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GDP by Production approach – Total of economy

Economic sectors and economic activity groupings А10 Gross Value Added
current prices previous year prices at average 2020 prices** Volume index*** (previous year=100)
(million levs) (million levs) (million levs) (%)
Agriculture, forestry and fishing A 4 190 4 338 3 951 93.0
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities B_E 37 682 35 214 24 298 101.2
Construction F 7 933 7 542 5 155 105.2
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; accommodation and food service activities G_I 40 077 38 893 28 254 103.5
Information and communication J 14 607 13 790 10 354 103.0
Financial and insurance activities K 11 821 10 723 8 966 102.9
Real estate activities L 14 302 14 108 12 299 100.5
Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities M_N 12 445 11 494 9 180 100.5
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities O_Q 30 683 27 614 20 326 105.5
Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services R_U 3 022 2 780 1 972 100.8
Total Economic А+...+U 176 761 166 495 124 440 102.5
Adjustments (taxes less subsidies on products )   26 101 23 944 17 769 104.9
Gross Domestic Product   202 861 190 439 142 231 102.8

*Preliminary data.
** Data are calculated according the annual overlap technique. Aggregates are non additive.
*** The volume indices are calculated based on the values of the corresponding indicator at prices of 2020.