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GDP by Final Expenditure – Total of economy

GDP by Final Expenditure components current prices previous year prices at average 2020 prices** Volume index*** (previous year=100)
(million levs) (million levs) (million levs) (%)
Gross Domestic Product 202 861 190 439 142 231 102.8
Final Consumption Expenditure 156 853 147 114 110 664 104.3
Individual Consumption 138 276 130 306 97 591 104.5
of Households 116 048 110 586 83 132 104.2
of NPISH's 879 854 671 101.3
Individual of General Government 21 349 18 866 13 780 106.2
Collective 18 577 16 808 13 028 102.8
Gross Capital Formation 41 291 38 070 26 511 104.1
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 36 383 34 238 24 445 98.9
Changes in Inventories 4 908 3 832 . .
Exports of Goods and Services 113 211 113 690 84 728 99.2
Goods 83 190 84 398 60 892 99.1
Services 30 021 29 292 24 504 99.4
Imports of Goods and Services 108 494 108 435 79 818 101.3
Goods 93 684 94 280 68 194 101.6
Services 14 810 14 155 11 782 99.7
Statistical Discrepancy . . . .

*Preliminary data.
** Data are calculated according the annual overlap technique. Aggregates are nonadditive.
*** The volume indices are calculated based on the values of the corresponding indicator at constant prices of 2020; for more information, see Price and Volume Measures (Methodological notes)