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Supply - Use Tables 2004

Published at: 30.09.2009 - 11:05
The National Statistical Institute informs the users of statistical information that the new electronic publication ‘Supply and Use Tables’ is already on sale.
The publication contains Supply and Use tables for year 2004, prepared by NSI. As the Tables are an integrated part of Annual National Accounts, they present in a final and balanced version the economical categories into the GDP, structured in details by groups of products and services, types of production activities and types of categories of final demand.
The general conceptual framework of tables have been elaborated and developed in a full compliance with international methodological standards of ‘European System of Accounts, 1995’ (ESA’95) and ‘System of National Accounts, 1993’ (SNA’93).
The Supply table is published at aggregated level - 60 product groups and
60 economic activity groupings. It shows at detailed level the resource of goods and services, produced by resident units in the economic territory of the country grouped according to their principal activity. The table also presents the shares of the market production, the non-market production for own final use and other non-market production for individual and collective consumption in the total value of the given industry.
The Use table shows the use of goods and services from all economical units, classified according to their main activity as industries, or treated as final consumption categories
Methodological notes are included in the publication for help of the users.
Price (including mailing costs):
- EUR 14 for a CD
Price includes VAT.
The issue could be ordered at the following address:
National Statistical Institute
Publications Division
2, Panayot Volov St.
1038 Sofia,
phone: +359 2 9857 142
Purchase by bank transfer:
NSI Bank Account
Bulgarian National Bank
Knyaz Alexander Battenberg Square, Sofia
IBAN BG84 BNBG 9661 3000 1190 01
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