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First estimate – national level

  Code References Value for 2023 in mio BGN Volume index (previous year=100) Value for 2024 at preceding year prices in mio BGN Price index (previous year=100) Value for 2024 in mio BGN Value index
Cereal crops 01 1=2+5+6+
4 104.0 93.1 3 820.3 86.6 3 307.1 80.6
Wheat and spelt 01.1 2=3+4 2 667.7 101.8 2 715.8 86.7 2 354.6 88.3
Soft wheat and spelt 01.1/1 3 2 630.6 101.5 2 668.8 86.7 2 314.8 88.0
Durum wheat 01.1/2 4 37.1 126.7 47.0 84.7 39.8 107.3
Rye and meslin 01.2 5 5.3 103.8 5.5 92.7 5.1 96.2
Barley 01.3 6 283.1 130.5 369.5 83.4 308.0 108.8
Oats and summer cereal mixtures 01.4 7 12.5 193.6 24.2 81.4 19.7 157.6
Grain maize 01.5 8 1 003.7 58.7 589.3 84.8 499.9 49.8
Rice 01.6 9 80.1 97.4 78.0 107.1 83.5 104.3
Other cereals 01.7 10 51.6 73.6 38.0 95.5 36.3 70.3
Industrial crops 02 11=12+17+
1 783.8 85.6 1 527.8 103.0 1 573.9 88.2
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 02.1 12=13+14+15+16 1 589.6 80.8 1 283.8 102.5 1 315.8 82.8
Rape and turnip rape seed 02.1/1 13 157.8 84.4 133.2 110.9 147.7 93.6
Sunflower 02.1/2 14 1 416.3 80.5 1 140.3 101.5 1 157.7 81.7
Soya 02.1/3 15 6.2 16.1 1.0 90.0 0.9 14.5
Other oleaginous products 02.1/4 16 9.3 100.0 9.3 102.2 9.5 102.2
Protein crops (including seeds) 02.2 17 56.0 151.6 84.9 72.2 61.3 109.5
Raw tobacco 02.3 18 34.7 119.0 41.3 103.6 42.8 123.3
Sugar beet 02.4 19 . . . . . .
Other industrial crops 02.5 20=21+22+23 103.5 113.8 117.8 130.7 154.0 148.7
Fibre plants 02.5/1 21 3.5 82.9 2.9 203.4 5.9 168.6
Hops 02.5/2 22 1.0 150.0 1.5 106.7 1.6 160.1
Other 02.5/3 23 99.0 114.5 113.4 129.2 146.5 147.9
Forage crops 03 24=25+26+27 221.4 90.4 200.2 96.2 192.6 87.0
Fodder maize 03.1 25 71.6 90.9 65.1 91.1 59.3 82.8
Fodder root crops (including forage beet) 03.2 26 0.0 . 0.0 . 0.0 .
Other forage crops 03.3 27 149.8 90.1 134.9 98.7 133.1 88.9
Vegetables and horticultural products 04 28=29+32 532.6 101.2 538.8 98.8 532.3 100.0
Fresh vegetables 04.1 29=30+31 436.6 101.5 443.3 99.3 440.4 100.8
Tomatoes 04.1/2 30 138.1 93.7 129.4 90.6 117.3 84.9
Other fresh vegetables 04.1/3 31 298.5 105.2 313.9 102.9 323.1 108.3
Plants and flowers 04.2 32=33+34+35 96.0 99.5 95.5 96.2 91.9 95.7
Nursery plants 04.2/1 33 17.5 65.1 11.4 103.5 11.8 67.4
Ornamental plants and flowers 04.2/2 34 17.3 154.9 26.8 70.5 18.9 109.2
Plantations 04.2/3 35 61.2 93.6 57.3 106.8 61.2 100.0
Potatoes (including seeds) 05 36 75.6 84.0 63.5 103.8 65.9 87.2
Fruit 06 37=38+43 355.4 119.4 424.5 100.6 427.1 120.1
Fresh fruit 06.1 38=39+40+41+42 249.3 122.9 306.4 96.6 295.9 118.7
Dessert apples 06.1/1 39 26.2 113.4 29.7 101.0 30.0 114.5
Dessert pears 06.1/2 40 2.8 164.3 4.6 91.3 4.2 150.0
Peaches 06.1/3 41 12.7 180.3 22.9 96.1 22.0 173.3
Other fresh fruit 06.1/4 42 207.6 120.0 249.2 96.2 239.7 115.4
Grapes 06.4 43=44+45 106.1 111.3 118.1 111.1 131.2 123.7
Dessert grapes 06.4/1 44 15.7 103.8 16.3 108.0 17.6 112.1
Other grapes 06.4/2 45 90.4 112.6 101.8 111.6 113.6 125.7
Wine 07 46 . . . . . .
Table wine 07.1 47 . . . . . .
Other crop products 09 48=49+50 51.7 97.9 50.6 107.1 54.2 104.9
Seeds 09.2 49 51.7 97.9 50.6 107.1 54.2 104.9
Other crop products: others 09.3 50 . . . . . .
Crop output 10 51=1+11+24+
7 124.5 93.0 6 625.7 92.9 6 153.1 86.4
Animals 11 52=53+54+
1 362.5 103.7 1 413.3 96.6 1 365.8 100.2
Cattle 11.1 53 216.8 111.8 242.4 102.6 248.7 114.7
Pigs 11.2 54 479.4 102.8 493.0 93.3 459.9 95.9
Equines 11.3 55 . . . . . .
Sheep and goats 11.4 56 229.4 100.8 231.3 107.4 248.5 108.3
Poultry 11.5 57 436.9 102.2 446.6 91.5 408.7 93.5
Other animals 11.6 58 . . . . . .
Animal products 12 59=60+61+62 1 172.7 99.6 1 167.5 95.3 1 112.6 94.9
Milk 12.1 60 734.9 103.1 758.0 99.3 753.0 102.4
Eggs 12.2 61 345.8 95.7 330.9 84.9 280.9 81.2
Other animal products 12.3 62=63+64+65 92.0 85.4 78.6 100.1 78.7 85.5
Raw wool 12.3/1 63 1.4 107.1 1.5 100.0 1.5 107.1
Silkworm cocoons 12.3/2 64 . . . . . .
Other animal products: others 12.3/3 65 90.6 85.1 77.1 100.1 77.2 85.2
Animal output 13 66=52+59 2 535.2 101.8 2 580.8 96.0 2 478.4 97.7
Agricultural goods output 14 67=51+66 9 659.7 95.3 9 206.5 93.8 8 631.5 89.4
Agricultural services output 15 68 595.7 86.1 512.7 102.6 526.1 88.3
Agricultural output 16 69=67+68 10 255.4 94.8 9 719.2 94.2 9 157.6 89.3
Non-agricultural secondary activities (inseparable) 17 70=71+80 299.0 93.0 278.1 101.8 283.0 94.7
Processing of agricultural products 17.1 71=72+73+74+
299.0 93.0 278.1 101.8 283.0 94.7
Cereals 17.1/1 72 11.3 89.4 10.1 100.0 10.1 89.4
Vegetables 17.1/2 73 50.5 88.1 44.5 100.9 44.9 88.9
Fruits 17.1/3 74 18.1 83.4 15.1 106.6 16.1 88.9
Wine 17.1/4 75 41.9 80.7 33.8 110.1 37.2 88.9
Animals 17.1/5 76 65.2 74.7 48.7 102.5 49.9 76.6
Animal products 17.1/6 77≥78 105.1 113.9 119.7 99.2 118.7 113.0
Milk 17.1/6/1 78 105.1 113.9 119.7 99.2 118.7 113.0
Other 17.1/7 79 6.9 89.9 6.2 98.4 6.1 88.5
Other inseparable secondary activities (goods and services) 17.2 80 . . . . . .
Output of the agricultural ‘industry’ 18 81=69+70 10 554.4 94.7 9 997.3 94.4 9 440.6 89.4
Total intermediate consumption 19 82=83+86+91+
6 337.4 91.7 5 813.7 97.0 5 641.7 88.9
Seeds and planting stock 19.01 83=84+85 380.9 94.0 358.1 109.2 391.0 102.6
Seeds and planting stock supplied by other agricultural holdings 19.01/1 84 68.2 95.3 65.0 109.2 71.0 104.1
Seeds and planting stock purchased from outside the agricultural ‘industry’ 19.01/2 85 312.7 93.7 293.1 109.2 320.0 102.3
Energy; lubricants 19.02 86=87+88+89+90 1 171.5 89.0 1 042.9 98.7 1 029.4 87.8
Electricity 19.02/1 87 133.1 90.2 120.0 103.1 123.7 93.0
Gas 19.02/2 88 45.1 96.9 43.7 94.1 41.1 91.2
Other fuels and propellants 19.02/3 89 985.9 88.5 872.4 98.3 857.5 87.0
Other 19.02/4 90 7.4 91.9 6.8 104.4 7.1 95.9
Fertilisers and soil improvers 19.03 91=92+93 1 152.7 98.8 1 138.4 82.5 939.2 81.5
Fertilisers supplied by other agricultural holdings 19.03/1 92 40.3 77.2 31.1 82.6 25.7 63.8
Fertilisers purchased from outside the agricultural ‘industry’ 19.03/2 93 1 112.4 99.5 1 107.3 82.5 913.5 82.1
Plant protection products and pesticides 19.04 94 513.8 78.7 404.2 112.4 454.3 88.5
Veterinary expenses 19.05 95 161.6 84.8 137.1 103.5 141.9 87.8
Animal feedingstuffs 19.06 96 1 351.0 100.1 1 352.6 93.2 1 260.6 93.3
Feedingstuffs supplied by other agricultural holdings 19.06/1 97 540.1 85.4 461.2 93.2 429.9 79.6
Feedingstuffs purchased from outside the agricultural ‘industry’ 19.06/2 98 618.3 98.5 609.1 93.2 567.6 91.8
Feedingstuffs produced and consumed by the same holding 19.06/3 99 192.6 146.6 282.3 93.2 263.1 136.6
Maintenance of materials 19.07 100 379.4 84.3 319.7 105.0 335.7 88.5
Maintenance of buildings 19.08 101 154.8 82.6 127.9 103.5 132.4 85.5
Agricultural services 19.09 102 595.7 86.1 512.7 102.6 526.1 88.3
FISIM 19.10 103 50.6 96.0 48.6 102.5 49.8 98.4
Other goods and services 19.11 104 425.4 87.3 371.5 102.6 381.3 89.6
Gross value added at basic prices 20 105=81-82 4 217.0 99.2 4 183.6 90.8 3 798.9 90.1
Fixed capital consumption 21 106=107+108+
1 232.2 73.8 909.6 115.4 1 050.0 85.2
Equipment 21.1 107 975.2 70.6 688.5 120.7 831.0 85.2
Buildings 21.2 108 115.9 82.9 96.1 102.8 98.8 85.2
Plantations 21.3 109 25.0 79.6 19.9 107.0 21.3 85.2
Others 21.4 110 116.1 90.5 105.1 94.1 98.9 85.2
Net value added at basic prices 22 111=105-106 2 984.8 109.7 3 274.0 84.0 2 748.9 92.1
Compensation of employees 23 112 1 648.9 x x x 1 780.8 108.0
Other taxes on production 24 113 33.9 x x x 33.9 100.0
Other subsidies on production 25 114 2 302.5 x x x 2 384.0 103.5
Income at factor cost 26 115=111-113+114 5 253.4 x x x 5 099.0 97.1
Net operating surplus / mixed income 27 116=111-112-113+114 3 604.5 x x x 3 318.2 92.1
Rents and other real estate rental charges to be paid 28 117 2 532.2 x x x 2 352.0 92.9
Interest paid 29 118 185.4 x x x 155.1 83.7
Interest received 30 119 82.5 x x x 78.0 94.5
Net entrepreneurial income 31 120=116-117-118+119 969.4 x x x 889.1 91.7
Total agricultural labour input 40 121=122+123 141 500.0 x x x 130 000.0 91.9
Non salaried agricultural labour input 41 122 73 500.0 x x x 63 000.0 85.7
Salaried agricultural labour input 42 123 68 000.0 x x x 67 000.0 98.5

. - not available or missing data