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Number of enterprises

Time series : NF_Ent2.1_en.xls

Number of non-financial enterprises by size in terms of employed and statistical regions
Statistical regions 2023
Total Size of enterprises by number of employed
Up to 9 10 - 49 50 - 249 250+
Total 462 752 432 699 24 800 4 483 770
Severna i Yugoiztochna Bulgaria 198 355 186 067 10 262 1 763 263
Severozapaden 32 713 30 672 1 702 299 40
Severen tsentralen 41 292 38 469 2 301 457 65
Severoiztochen 58 278 54 550 3 130 519 79
Yugoiztochen 66 072 62 376 3 129 488 79
Yugozapadna i Yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria 264 397 246 632 14 538 2 720 507
Yugozapaden 179 636 167 353 10 002 1 889 392
Yuzhen tsentralen 84 761 79 279 4 536 831 115