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GDP by Final Expenditure – Total of economy

GDP by Final Expenditure components current prices previous year prices at average 2020 prices** Volume index*** (corresponding quarter of previous year = 100, (%)
Third quarter of 2024*
(million BGN) (million BGN) (million BGN) (%)
Gross Domestic Product 53 770 52 447 39 170 102.6
Final Consumption Expenditure 39 785 38 274 28 791 105.0
Individual Consumption 35 271 34 151 25 577 104.5
of Households 29 889 29 295 22 022 103.5
of NPISH's 250 241 189 94.9
Individual of General Government 5 132 4 615 3 371 112.5
Collective 4 515 4 123 3 196 109.3
Gross Capital Formation 10 510 10 516 7 323 108.0
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 9 360 9 471 6 762 101.6
Changes in Inventories 1 150 1 045 . .
Exports of Goods and Services 30 792 31 065 23 151 99.4
Goods 21 330 22 145 15 977 100.4
Services 9 462 8 920 7 462 95.4
Imports of Goods and Services 27 318 27 408 20 175 103.0
Goods 23 257 23 510 17 005 102.5
Services 4 061 3 898 3 245 105.7
Statistical Discrepancy . . . .

* Preliminary data.
**Aggregates are non-additive.
*** The volume indices are calculated based on the values of the corresponding indicator at constant prices of 2020.