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Working day adjusted

Calendar adjusted data
Economic Activities Eurostat code 2021=100 Percentage change (compared to the corresponding month)
Services of the business economy (except trade and financial and insurance activities) HTNXK 117.3 5.6
Transportation, storage and post - total H 118.7 4.2
of which: Land transport H49 112.9 2.3
Water transport H50 134.9 -7.5
Air transport H51 301.8 30.4
Warehousing and support activities for transportation H52 108.0 0.1
Postal and courier activities H53 134.4 16.8
Accommodation and food service activities I 117.7 2.4
Accommodation I55 121.9 9.6
Food and beverage service activities I56 115.8 -0.7
Information and communication J 121.9 12.2
of which: Publishing activities J58 89.0 5.0
Motion picture, video and TV programme production, music publishing activities J59 123.8 -11.3
Programming and broadcasting activities J60 95.8 -11.3
Telecommunications J61 126.3 18.5
Computer programming, consultancy and related activities J62 123.6 12.6
Information service activities J63 114.8 4.9
Real estate activities L 91.6 2.9
Professional, scientific and technical activities required by STS Regulation M_STS 123.5 9.1
Legal and accounting activities M69 124.0 20.3
Management consultancy activities M702 145.4 41.4
Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis M71 112.6 -2.1
Advertising and market research M73 134.8 -9.6
Other professional, scientific and technical activities M74 108.7 5.1
Administrative and support service activities N 111.4 -7.1
Rental and leasing activities N77 113.3 -33.0
Employment activities N78 117.6 1.4
Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities N79 164.3 -2.3
Security and investigation activities N80 98.6 -1.0
Services to buildings and landscape activities N81 106.0 1.3
Office administrative, office support and other business support activities N82 108.2 4.2

* Preliminary data