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Consumer survey

Time series : Consumer_survey_en.xls

Name of indicators    
Consumer confidence indicator % -19.5
Assessment of the financial situation of households over the last 12 months balance -18.3
Expectations about the financial situation of households over the next 12 months balance -12.8
Uncertainty of the future financial situation of the households balance -8.2
Assessment of the general economic situation in the country over the last 12 months balance -49.4
Expectations about the general economic situation in the country over the next 12 months balance -26.3
Assessment about inflation over the last 12 months balance 57.1
Expectations about inflation over the next 12 months balance 25.7
Unemployment expectations over the next 12 months balance 18.0
Assessment of the advantage of making major purchases of durable goods in the present situation balance -32.7
Intentions of making major purchases of durable goods over the next 12 months balance -20.6
Assessment of the present situation to save money balance -32.0
Consumer expectations about savings over the next 12 months balance -50.8
Assessment of households' budget balance 2.4
Intentions of buying a car over the next 12 months balance -75.6
Intentions of building or purchasing a home over the next 12 months balance -86.2
Intentions of spending a large sum of money on home improvements or renovations over the next 12 months balance -65.4