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District heating and cooling systems

Time series : Energy-DHC_en.xls

District heating systems and efficiency of district heating for 2023 year
Capacity and output
Technology of generation unit delivering heat to the network Installed net heat capacity - MW Net heat output delivered to the network - TJ
Total Hot water Steem
CHP units using non-renewable fuels 2 626 19 476 17 010 2 466
CHP units using renewable fuels - - - -
CHP units using geothermal energy or solar energy - - - -
CHP units using recovered heat from chemical processes and other processes (e.g. surplus heat from industrial or other processes) - - - -
Heat only units using non-renewable fuels* 2 857 5 801 5 801 -
Heat only units using renewable fuels* 80 422 422 -
Heat only units using electricity (electric boilers) - - - -
Heat only units using geothermal energy, ambient heat or solar energy - - - -
Heat recovery units recovering heat from chemical processes and other processes (e.g. surplus heat from industrial or other processes) - - - -
Total 5 563 25 699 23 233 2 466

*incl. reduction heat (separated heat before electricity generator)
Efficiency of district heating
  Efficient district heating according to Article 2 (41) EED Inefficient district heating according to Article 2 (41) EED
Total Hot water Steem Total Hot water Steem
Net heat output delivered to district heating customers - TJ, of which: 14 742 12 586 2 156 4 077 4 077 -
Industrial enterprises 3 388 1 238 2 150 392 392 -
Enterprises in sector transport, agriculture/forestry and fishing 19 19 - - - -
Enterprises in services sector 2 311 2 305 6 550 550 -
Residential sector 9 024 9 024 - 3 135 3 135 -
Number of district heating networks 35 30 5 9 9 -
Length of district heating networks - km 2 527 2 489 38 683 683 -
Number of district heating customers 476 677 476 650 27 178 006 178 006 -
District heating network losses - TJ 6 880  