R&D, Innovations and Information Society
- Information Society
- ICT usage in households
- Internet usage in households and by individuals aged between 16 and 74
- Households with internet access at home
- Individuals regularly using the internet
- Individuals using the internet by purposes
- Individuals using the internet for interacting with public authorities
- Individuals having basic or above basic digital skills
- Individuals who have never used the internet
- Devices used by individuals to access the internet
- Individuals using the internet for learning activities
- Individuals using internet-connected devices or systems (Internet of things)
- Individuals carrying out activities to manage accsess to personal data on the internet
- Е-commerce
- Individuals having bought goods or services for private purposes over the internet in the last 12 months
- Individuals having bought goods or services for private purposes over the internet in the last 3 months
- Type of goods or services bought by the individuals over the internet
- Individuals having bought goods over the internet by location of seller
- Problems encountered by individuals when buying goods or services over the internet
- Individuals carrying out financial activities via a website or app
- Reasons for not buying over the internet
- Internet usage in households and by individuals aged between 16 and 74
- ICT usage in enterprises
- Internet usage in enterprises
- Enterprises with internet access
- Enterprises with fixed internet connection
- Persons employed using internet
- Persons employed using portable devices with mobile internet connection
- Enterprises providing remote access to persons employed
- Enterprises providing ICT training to the persons employed
- Enterprises having a website
- Enterprises using social media
- Enterprises using cloud computing services
- Enterprises performing data analytics
- Enterprises using internet-connected devices or systems (Internet of things)
- Enterprises applying ICT security measures
- Enterprises using artificial intelligence technologies
- E-commerce
- Enterprises with e-commerce sales
- Use of Automated Data Exchange (ADE)
- Enterprises using enterprise resource planning (ERP) software
- Enterprises using customer relationship management (CRM) software
- Enterprises sending e-invoices suitable for automated processing
- Internet usage in enterprises
- ICT usage in households
- R&D and Innovations
- Research and development activity (R&D)
- R&D expenditure
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by type of costs and sectors
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by regions and sectors
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by fields of science and sectors
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by source of funds and sectors
- Business enterprise R&D expenditure (BERD) by economic activity
- Business enterprise R&D expenditure (BERD) by size class
- R&D personnel
- Total R&D personnel by occupation and sex
- Total R&D personnel by sectors and sex
- Total R&D personnel by sectors, regions and sex
- Total R&D personnel by fields of science and sex
- Total R&D personnel by qualification and sex
- Total R&D personnel and researchers, in business enterprise sector by economic activity
- Researchers by age and sex in government sector and higher education sector
- Researchers by citizenship in government sector and higher education sector
- Total R&D personnel and researchers (full-time equivalent), in business enterprise sector, by size class
- R&D expenditure
- Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD)
- Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD) by socio-economic objectives
- Innovation activity
- Innovation-active enterprises, as a share of all enterprises
- Enterprises that have new or improved products new to the market, as a share of all enterprises
- Turnover of new or improved products new to the market, as a share of total turnover
- Turnover of new or improved products only new to the firm, as a share of total turnover
- Enterprises with innovation co-operation, as a share of innovation-active enterprises
- Research and development activity (R&D)
- Information Society
- ICT usage in households
- Internet usage in households and by individuals aged between 16 and 74
- Households with internet access at home
- Individuals regularly using the internet
- Individuals using the internet by purposes
- Individuals using the internet for interacting with public authorities
- Individuals having basic or above basic digital skills
- Individuals who have never used the internet
- Devices used by individuals to access the internet
- Individuals using the internet for learning activities
- Individuals using internet-connected devices or systems (Internet of things)
- Individuals carrying out activities to manage accsess to personal data on the internet
- Е-commerce
- Individuals having bought goods or services for private purposes over the internet in the last 12 months
- Individuals having bought goods or services for private purposes over the internet in the last 3 months
- Type of goods or services bought by the individuals over the internet
- Individuals having bought goods over the internet by location of seller
- Problems encountered by individuals when buying goods or services over the internet
- Individuals carrying out financial activities via a website or app
- Reasons for not buying over the internet
- Internet usage in households and by individuals aged between 16 and 74
- ICT usage in enterprises
- Internet usage in enterprises
- Enterprises with internet access
- Enterprises with fixed internet connection
- Persons employed using internet
- Persons employed using portable devices with mobile internet connection
- Enterprises providing remote access to persons employed
- Enterprises providing ICT training to the persons employed
- Enterprises having a website
- Enterprises using social media
- Enterprises using cloud computing services
- Enterprises performing data analytics
- Enterprises using internet-connected devices or systems (Internet of things)
- Enterprises applying ICT security measures
- Enterprises using artificial intelligence technologies
- E-commerce
- Enterprises with e-commerce sales
- Use of Automated Data Exchange (ADE)
- Enterprises using enterprise resource planning (ERP) software
- Enterprises using customer relationship management (CRM) software
- Enterprises sending e-invoices suitable for automated processing
- Internet usage in enterprises
- ICT usage in households
- R&D and Innovations
- Research and development activity (R&D)
- R&D expenditure
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by type of costs and sectors
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by regions and sectors
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by fields of science and sectors
- Total intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by source of funds and sectors
- Business enterprise R&D expenditure (BERD) by economic activity
- Business enterprise R&D expenditure (BERD) by size class
- R&D personnel
- Total R&D personnel by occupation and sex
- Total R&D personnel by sectors and sex
- Total R&D personnel by sectors, regions and sex
- Total R&D personnel by fields of science and sex
- Total R&D personnel by qualification and sex
- Total R&D personnel and researchers, in business enterprise sector by economic activity
- Researchers by age and sex in government sector and higher education sector
- Researchers by citizenship in government sector and higher education sector
- Total R&D personnel and researchers (full-time equivalent), in business enterprise sector, by size class
- R&D expenditure
- Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD)
- Government budget allocations for R&D (GBARD) by socio-economic objectives
- Innovation activity
- Innovation-active enterprises, as a share of all enterprises
- Enterprises that have new or improved products new to the market, as a share of all enterprises
- Turnover of new or improved products new to the market, as a share of total turnover
- Turnover of new or improved products only new to the firm, as a share of total turnover
- Enterprises with innovation co-operation, as a share of innovation-active enterprises
- Research and development activity (R&D)
Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2024
The trend of annual growth of the relative share of households with internet access continued - in 2024, 92.1% of the households in Bulgaria had access to the global network at home. Their relative share increased by 3.6 percentage points compared to the previous year. 94.7% of the households living in urban areas had internet access and for those resided in rural areas the relative share was 84.3%.
81.9% of the individuals aged between 16 and 74 years used the internet every day or at least once a week at any location (home, work or other places), and the share of people who...
Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Enterprises in 2024
In 2024, 96.4% of non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had internet access. Fixed internet connection was available in 89.2% of the enterprises and the maximum download speed in 54.1% was more than 100 Mbps.
The relative share of persons employed who had access to the internet increased to 43.4%, and 25.4% used portable devices with mobile internet connection for business purposes. 76.4% of the companies provided persons employed with remote access to information resources such as e-mail, documents of the enterprise, business applications or software.
...Research and Development Activity in 2023 (preliminary data)
In 2023, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 1 467.5 million BGN, which was 15.9% more than the previous year. The annual growth tendency is retained for the period 2019 - 2023.
R&D intensity (R&D expenditure as a percentage of the gross domestic product) amounted to 0.79% and it was 0.04 percentage points higher than in 2022.
Regarding R&D expenditure by fields of science in 2023, as in the previous year, the highest share belonged to the R&D expenditure in engineering and technology science...
Innovation Activity of the Enterprises during the period 2020 - 2022
During the period 2020 - 2022, 26.1% of the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed carried out an innovation activity. The innovation activity of the enterprises in the industrial sector (32.9%) was higher than of those in the services sector (19.6%). The largest share of innovation active enterprises was in the group of large enterprises (with 250 or more persons employed) - 72.3% in industry and 66.5% in services.
In 2022, the turnover of innovation active enterprises constituted 51.9% of the turnover, and the persons employed - 51.8% of the persons employed in all e...
Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2023
The annual growth tendency of the relative share of households with internet access was retained and in 2023, 88.5% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home. Over a ten-year period the relative share increased by 31.8 percentage points.
79.8% of the individuals aged between 16 and 74 years used the internet every day or at least once a week at home, work or other places, and the share of people who had never surfed the internet decreased to 11.8%.
The most preferred device to access the internet was the mobile phone (incl. smartphone) which was used by 7...
Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Enterprises in 2023
In 2023, 96.3% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had internet access. Fixed internet connection was available in 89.2% of the enterprises and the maximum download speed in 46.6% was more than 100 Mbps.
The relative share of the persons employed who had access to the internet was 39.7%. The most persons employed who used the internet were found in sector ‘Information and communication’ (92.2%) and least - in sector ‘Manufacturing’ (25.5%).
In 2023, 38.0% of the companies used social media, and 20.9% paid to advertise o...
Research and Development Activity in 2022 (preliminary data)
In 2022, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 1 265.6 million BGN, which was 17.8% more than the previous year. The annual growth tendency is retained for the period 2018 - 2022.
R&D intensity (R&D expenditure as a percentage of the gross domestic product) amounted to 0.75% and it was 0.02 percentage points lower than in 2021.
Regarding R&D expenditure by fields of science in 2022, as in the previous year, the highest share belonged to the R&D expenditure in technical sciences - 50.5% (638...
Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2022
In 2022, 87.3% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home, which was by 3.8 percentage points more compared to the previous year.
79.0% of the individuals aged between 16 and 74 years used the internet every day or at least once a week at home, at work or any other place and 61.2% took advantage of the resources of the global network several times during the day.
Individuals used the network mostly for communication as 67.3% of them carried out phone or video calls (using applications, e.g. Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, FaceTime, Messenger, Snapchat, Zoom, MS Te...
Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Enterprises in 2022
In 2022, 96.1% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had internet access. Fixed internet connection was available in 89.1% of the enterprises and the maximum download speed in 45.7% was more than 100 Mbps.
The relative share of the persons employed who had access to the internet was 40.2%. Portable devices that allow a mobile connection to the internet for business purposes used by 22.2% and for a five-year period the relative share increased more than two times.
More than two-thirds of the enterprises (67.5%) provided the persons employed wit...
Research and Development Activity in 2021 (preliminary data)
In 2021, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 1 074.0 million BGN, which was 4.9% more than the previous year. The annual growth tendency is retained for the period 2017 - 2021.
R&D intensity (R&D expenditure as a percentage of the gross domestic product) amounted to 0.77% and it was 0.08 percentage points lower than in 2020.
In the structure of R&D expenditure by fields of science in 2021, as in the previous year, the highest share belonged to the R&D expenditure in technical sciences - 51.5% (...
Innovation Activity of the Enterprises during the period 2018 - 2020
During the period 2018 - 2020, 36.2% of the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed carried out an innovation activity.
...Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2021
In 2021, 83.5% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home, which was by 4.6 percentage points more compared to the previous year.
...Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Enterprises in 2021
In 2021, 96.1% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had internet access. Fixed internet connection was available in 85.7% of the enterprises and the maximum download speed in 39.8% was more than 100 Mbps.
...Research and Development Activity in 2020 (preliminary data)
According to the preliminary data in 2020 the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 1 023.8 million BGN, and the personnel engaged in conducting research and experimental development amounted to 26 085 (in full-time equivalent).
...Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2020
In 2020, 78.9% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home, which was by 3.8 percentage points more compared to the previous year.
...Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Enterprises in 2020
In 2020, 95.5% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed had internet access and among the big enterprises with 250 or more persons employed, the relative share was 100.0%.
...Research and Development Activity in 2019 (preliminary data)
According to the preliminary data in 2019 the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 1 002.1 million BGN, and the personnel engaged in conducting research and experimental development amounted to 26 399 (in full-time equivalent).
...Innovation Activity of the Enterprises during the period 2016 - 2018
During the period 2016 - 2018 30.1% of the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed carried out an innovation activity.
...Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2019
The results of the 2019 survey on the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals showed that 75.1% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home with an increase of 42.0 percentage points over a ten-year period.
...Information and Communication Technologies Usage in Enterprises in 2019
The results of the 2019 survey showed that 95.7% of the enterprises with 10 or more persons employed used computers and 93.7% had internet access.
...Research and Development Activity in 2018 (preliminary data)
In 2018, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 827.6 million BGN, which was 8.9% more than the previous year.
...Main Results of the Survey on the Information Society in Households in 2018
The results of the 2018 survey on the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals showed that 72.1% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home, which was a growth of 4.8 percentage points compared to the previous year.
...Main Results of the Survey on the Information Society in Enterprises in 2018
In 2018, 96.7% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed used computers and 94.6% had internet access.
...Research and Development Activity in 2017 (preliminary data)
In 2017, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 760.2 million BGN, which was 3.5% more than the previous year.
...Innovation Activity during the period 2014 - 2016
During the period 2014 - 2016 27.2% of the enterprises carried out an innovation activity.
...Main Results of the Survey on the Information Society in Households in 2017
The results of the 2017 survey on the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals showed that 67.3% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home, which was a growth of 3.8 percentage points compared to the previous year.
...Main Results of the Survey on the Information Society in Enterprises in 2017
In 2017, 96.7% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed used computers and 94.6% had internet access.
...Research and Development Activity in 2016 (preliminary data)
In 2016, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 734.0 million BGN which was 13.7% less than the previous year.
...Government Budget Allocations for R&D (GBARD), 2016
In 2016, the government budget allocations for R&D amounted to 187.5 million BGN and decreased by 11.8% compared to 2015.
...Main Results of the Survey on the Information Society in Households in 2016
The results of the 2016 survey on the usage of information and communication technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals showed that 63.5% of the households in Bulgaria had internet access at home, which was a growth of 4.4 percentage points compared to the previous year.
...Main Results of the Survey on the Information Society in Enterprises in 2016
In 2016, 93.7% of the non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed used computers and 91.3% had internet access.
...Research and Development Activity in 2015 (preliminary data)
In 2015, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 847.2 million BGN which was 27.4% more than the previous year.
...Innovation Activity during the period 2012 - 2014
During the period 2012 - 2014 26.1% of the enterprises carried out an innovation activity.
...Government Budget Allocations for R&D (GBARD), 2015
In 2015, the government budget allocations for R&D amounted to 212.5 million BGN and increased by 2.8% compared to 2014.
...Main Results from the Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2015
In 2015 59.1% of households in Bulgaria had access to the internet at home, which was a growth of 2.4 percentage point, compared to the previous year. There was also a growth of 0.9 percentage points of the individuals aged 16 - 74 years who were using internet every day or at least once per week and 31.2% of them used cloud services (storage space on the internet) for data storage and file sharing.
...Main Results of the Survey on the Information Society in Enterprises in 2015
Research and Development Activity in 2014 (preliminary data)
In 2014, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 656.1 million BGN which was 25.8% more than the previous year.
...Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays on R&D (GBAORD), 2014
In 2014, the government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D amounted to 206.6 million BGN and increased by 3.1% compared to 2013.
...Main Results from the Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2014
In 2014 56.7% of households in Bulgaria had access to the internet at home, which was a growth of 3.0 percentage point, compared to the previous year. There was also a growth of 2.5 percentage points of the individuals aged 16 - 74 years who used the internet every day or at least once per week and 21.3% of them used cloud services to store or share files on the internet.
...Main Results from Surveyes on the Information Society in Enterprises in 2014
In 2014, the relative share of enterprises having internet access reached 91.4%, or with 2.3 percentage points more in comparison with the previous year. Information and communication technologies were most widely used by the largest enterprises (250 or more persons employed), 99.5% of them had an internet access, while in small enterprises (10 - 49 persons employed) this relative share was 89.9%. More than half of the enterprises with internet access (53.7%) maintained their own webpage or website.
...Research and Development Activity in 2013 (preliminary data)
In 2013, the total amount of expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 521.2 million BGN which was 5.0% more than the previous year.
...Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays on R&D (GBAORD) in 2013
In 2013, the government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D amounted to 200.4 million BGN and increased by 1.3% compared to 2012.
...Innovation Activity during the 2010 - 2012 Period
During the 2010 - 2012 period 27.4% of the enterprises carried out an innovation activity.
...Main Results from the Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2013
The results of the survey on the information communication technology usage by households and individuals for 2013 show that more than a half of the households (53.7%) in Bulgaria had access to the internet at home, which was a growth of 2.8 percentage point, compared to the previous year. There also was a stable trend for growth of the regular usage of internet by individuals and 51.2% of the population aged 16-74 years was using internet every day or at least once a week.
...Main Results from Surveyes on the Information Society in Enterprises in 2013
In January 2013 the relative share of enterprises having internet access reached 89.1%, or with 1.7 percentage points more in comparison with the previous year. Information communication technology was most widely used by the largest enterprises (250 or more employed), 99.1% of them had an internet access, while in small enterprises (10 – 49 employed) this relative share was 87.4%. More than half of the enterprises (52.3%) maintained their own webpage or website.
...Research and Development Activity in 2012 (preliminary data)
In 2012, the total amount of the expenditure on research and development (R&D) was 495.9 million BGN, which was by 15.5% more in comparison with the previous year. The R&D intensity amounted to 0.64% of GDP and was by 0.07 percentage points higher compared to 2011.
...Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays on R&D (GBAORD), 2012
In 2012, the government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D amounted to 197.8 Million BGN as compared to 2011 increased by 4.9%.
...Main Results from the Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals in 2012
In 2012 more than a half of the households (50.9%) in Bulgaria had access to the internet at home, or a growth of 5.9 percentage point is observed compared to the previous year. There was also an increase in the relative share of individuals aged 16-71 years who were using internet at least once per week.
...Main Results from Surveyes on the Information Society in Enterprises in 2012
In January 2012 the relative share of non-financial enterprises (10 and more employed) with internet access reached 87.4%, or with 0.5 percentage points more in comparison to the same period of the previous year and 48.8% had their own webpage or website.
...Research and Development Activity in 2011 (preliminary data)
In 2011 the total amount of the expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) was 429.6 million BGN or by 1.9% more in comparison with the previous year, as their growth compared to the previous years in absolute value had no impact on the R&D intensity (R&D expenditure as % of GDP) which is one of the key indicators for measuring progress of the European Union (EU) in achieving the targets of the new Europe 2020 strategy - a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.
...Innovation Activity of the Enterprises, 2008 - 2010
Nearly one third (27.1%) of the enterprises with market-oriented activity and with more than nine employees in Bulgaria have realized innovation activity during the period 2008-2010.
...Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays on R&D (GBAORD), 2011
In 2011, the government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D (GBAORD) amounted to 188.6 million BGN as in comparison with the previous year the GBAORD fell by 3.3%.
...ICT usage in Households and by Individuals between 16 and 74 years old in 2011
The ICT survey in households 2011 reports high growth in the share of households having access to the Internet at home and broadband connection.
...ICT usage and e-Commerce in Enterprises in 2011
Results from the survey on ICT usage in enterprises 2011 established a steady growth in the share of companies that rely on the increasingly usage of ICT and e-commerce to improve their own business.
...Research and Development Activity, 2010
In 2010 the total amount of the expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) is 420.1 million BGN which increases by 16.4% in comparison with the previous year and the annual growth tendency retains for the period of 2006 - 2010.
...Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays on R&D (GBAORD), 2010
In 2010, the government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D (GBAORD) amounted to 195.0 million BGN. In comparison with the previous year, the GBAORD fell by 8.2% (230.4 million BGN in 2009).
...Survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals in 2010
Information society being developed with the tendency of annually increasing usage of ICT by households, individuals and the business in Bulgaria.
...ICT usage and eCommerce in enterprises in 2010
Information society being developed with the tendency of annually increasing usage of ICT by households, individuals and the business in Bulgaria.
...Research and Development Activity in 2009 (preliminary data)
In 2009 the total amount of the expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) is 361.1 million BGN which increases by 10.8% in comparison with the previous year and the annual growth tendency retains for the period of 2005 - 2009.
...Research and Development Activity, 2008
In 2008 the total expenditure amount to 0.49% of GDP, which is only 0.01 percentage points higher than the previous year.
...Government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D (GBAORD), 2009
In 2009 the government budget appropriations or outlays on R&D (GBAORD) amounted to 230.4 million BGN which is 8.5 % more than the previous year.
...Innovation Activity, 2006 - 2008
Nearly a quarter of the Bulgarian enterprises (23.9%) have been fulfilled innovation activity over the period 2006 - 2008.
...Survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals aged between 16 and 74
ICT penetration in the households has been increased vastly in the last few years and the survey results confirm the fact that the internet services become popular and preferable by more and more households in the country.
...Information and communication technologies usage and eCommerce in enterprises 2009
Data on ICT usage in enterprises survey show the widely use of Internet by the business. The growth rate observed for the period 2004 - 2009 is 22.1 percentage points and in 2009 reaches 83.9%. Broadband penetration is increasing faster during the last 6 years (41.2%) and 69.6% of the enterprises have broadband connection to the Internet during 2009.
...Research and Development Activity, 2008 (preliminary data)
In 2008 the total amount of the expenditure on research and development activity (R&D) is 325.9 million BGN which increases by 19.3% in comparison with the previous year and the annual growth tendency retains for the period of 2001 - 2008.
...Statistical Reference Book 2024
Тhe National Statistical Institute presents to the users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2024 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents up-to-date information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2019 - 2023 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic acti...
Bulgaria 2024
The National Statistical Institute presents the bilingual (Bulgarian/English) brochure Bulgaria 2024 to the users of statistical information. The brochure is addressed to a wide range of users (international institutions, representatives of business, students, experts etc.) and changes the traditional presentation of statistical information by offering an innovative structure with a parallel translation in English.
The publication contains up-to-date statistical information about the demographic, social and economic development of the country over the 2018 - 2023 ...
Statistical Reference Book 2024 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2024 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents up-to-date information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2019 - 2023 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry,...
Statistical Yearbook 2023
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 91-st edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2017 - 2022 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the National Statistical Sys...
Statistical Reference Book 2023 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2023 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2018 - 2022 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings ...
Statistical Reference Book 2023
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2023 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2018 - 2022 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, fore...
Statistical Yearbook 2022
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2016 - 2021 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the National Statistical ...
Statistical Reference Book 2022
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2017 - 2021 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, ...
Bulgaria 2022
The National Statistical Institute presents the bilingual (Bulgarian/English) brochure Bulgaria 2022 to users of statistical information. The brochure is addressed to a wide range of users (international institutions, business, students, experts etc.) and changes the traditional presentation of statistical information by offering an innovative structure with a parallel translation in English. The publication contains topical statistical information about the demographic, social and economic development of the country over the 2016 - 2021 period. It also includes n...
Statistical Reference Book 2022 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2022 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2017 - 2021 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, fo...
Statistical Yearbook 2021
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2015 - 2020 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2021
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2020 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2021 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2020 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agri...
Statistical Yearbook 2020
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2014 - 2019 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Bulgaria 2021
Statistical Yearbook 2012
Statistical Reference Book 2020
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2019 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2020 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2019 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture,...
Bulgaria 2020
Statistical Yearbook 2019
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2013 - 2018 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Yearbook 2018 in infographics
In 2018, for the first time, we presented the results of the statistical surveys through graphics, images and other visualization tools, which resulted in a positive response among a wide range of users. We believe that this modern way of presenting statistical information will trigger the interest in those who for the first time encounter the meaning of numbers revealing important aspects of socio-economic life.
...Statistical Reference Book 2019
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2015 - 2018 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Reference Book 2019 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2015 - 2018 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2018
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2012 - 2017 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Sustainable development of Bulgaria 2005 - 2016
The data is systematized in the following sections: Socioeconomic development; Sustainable consumption and production; Social inclusion; Demographic changes; Public health; Climate change and clean energy; Sustainable transport; Natural resources; Global partnership; Good governance.
Main objective ...
Statistical Reference Book 2018
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2014 - 2017 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Yearbook 2017 in infographics
The publication is intended for a wider audience as statistical data are presented in a plain and easy understandable way.
The current state and changes in the socio-economic and cultural life in the country are presented not in the traditional way in tables and text, but through infographics - images, graphics and other visualization tools.
We belie...
Statistical Reference Book 2018 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2014 - 2017 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2017
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2012 - 2016 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Bulgaria 2018
Statistical Reference Book 2017
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2013 - 2016 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Reference Book 2017 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2013 - 2016 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Bulgaria 2017
Statistical Yearbook 2016
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2011 - 2015 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2016
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2012 - 2015 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transpor...
Statistical Reference Book 2016 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2012 - 2015 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Bulgaria 2016
Statistical Yearbook 2015
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2010 - 2014 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2015
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2015 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2010 - 2014 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transport, c...
Statistical Reference Book 2015 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2015 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2010 - 2014 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transport,...
Bulgaria 2015
The National Statistical Institute presents the bilingual (Bulgarian/English) brochure Bulgaria 2015 to users of statistical information. The brochure is addressed to a wide range of users (international institutions, businessmen, students, experts etc.) and changes the traditional presentation of statistical information by offering an innovative structure with a parallel translation in English. The publication contains topical statistical information about the demographic, social and economic development of the country over the 2010 - 2014 period. It also includes non-tra...
Statistical Yearbook 2014
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 82nd edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed and electronic format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2009 - 2013 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Nati...
Statistical Reference Book 2014
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2014 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2009 - 2013 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, tran...
Statistical Reference Book 2014 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2014 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2009 - 2013 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, tr...
Bulgaria 2014
The National Statistical Institute presents the bilingual (Bulgarian/English) brochure Bulgaria 2014 to users of statistical information. The brochure is addressed to a wide range of users (international institutions, businessmen, students, experts etc.) and changes the traditional presentation of statistical information by offering an innovative structure with a parallel translation in English. The publication contains topical statistical information about the demographic, social and economic development of the country over the 2008 - 2013 period. It also includes non-traditional ...
Statistical Yearbook 2013
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 81st edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed and electronic format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2008 - 2012 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Nati...
Statistical Reference Book 2013
Statistical Reference Book 2013 (Bulgarian version)
Bulgaria 2013
Statistical Reference Book 2012
Statistical Reference Book 2012 (Bulgarian version)
Bulgaria 2012
Statistical Yearbook 2011
Statistical Reference Book 2011
Bulgaria 2011
Statistical Yearbook 2010
Statistical Yearbook 2009
Statistical Reference Book 2010
Bulgaria 2010
Bulgaria 2009 - Statistical Panorama
Sustainable Development of Bulgaria 2008
- Socioeconomic development;
- Sustainable consumption and production;
- Social inclusion;
- Demographic changes;
- Public health;
- Climate chang...