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Quarterly data

Time series : Agr1.1_EN.xls

N Description Links Indices to base:
2020=100 corresponding quarter in preceding year=100 preceding year=100
1 Cereals crops 1=2+5+6+7+8+9+10 122.0 97.3 91.7
2 Wheat 2=3+4 120.1 98.2 94.8
3 Soft wheat 3 120.1 98.3 94.8
4 Durum wheat 4 133.0 92.0 94.1
5 Rye 5 125.1 105.1 97.9
6 Barley 6 125.4 93.3 95.1
7 Oats 7 108.9 78.0 75.1
8 Maize 8 124.1 100.3 88.8
9 Rice, not husked 9 136.3 81.9 77.6
10 Other cereals crops 10 130.1 87.1 85.3
11 Industial crops 11=12+17+21+25 136.6 131.3 120.9
12 Oil seeds 12=13+14+15 135.5 133.7 122.0
13 Rape seeds 13 129.8 122.9 119.3
14 Sunflowers 14 135.7 134.1 122.2
15 Soya 15 149.4 94.9 92.8
16 Pulses 16=17+18+19 132.8 83.6 86.8
17 Peas 17 160.3 93.2 92.5
18 Beans 18 102.7 70.3 77.0
19 Lentils 19 139.5 106.8 106.2
20 Unmanufactured tobacco 20=21+22+23 212.7 124.5 126.0
21 Tobacco leaves, "Oriental" 21 316.3 124.5 126.1
22 Tobacco leaves, "Virginia" 22 - - -
23 Tobacco leaves, "Burley" 23 - 113.0 113.0
24 Other idustial crops 24=25+26+27 140.3 95.6 98.9
25 Cotton, whether or not ginned 25 132.4 91.8 75.8
26 Other idustial crops; other 26=27+28+34 140.4 95.8 100.0
27 Medicinal plants (herbs) 27 182.1 78.3 126.0
28 Plants for perfumery and pharmacy 28=29+30+33+34 114.4 94.5 102.0
29 Spearmint (Mentha) 29 325.7 133.3 138.9
30 Ethereal-oil rose 30 - - -
31 Lavender (green) 31 119.5 153.1 145.1
32 Others pharmacy plants 32=33 97.5 88.3 97.5
33 Fennel 33 97.5 88.3 97.5
34 Spices, not processed 34=35 97.3 97.7 97.2
35 Seeds from coriander 35 97.3 97.7 97.2
36 Forage plants 36=37+38 142.7 83.0 95.2
37 Fodder maize 37 164.9 95.7 104.8
38 Other forage plants 38=39+40 110.6 71.7 86.6
39 Hay from meadow 39 106.2 66.8 83.9
40 Lucerne 40 143.9 96.3 99.7
41 Vegetables 41=42+60 131.8 111.7 103.4
42 Fresh vegetables 42=43+46 130.9 111.8 103.7
43 Tomatoes 43=44+45 103.8 88.3 76.4
44 Tomatoes in the open 44 - - -
45 Tomatoes under glass 45 103.8 88.3 76.4
46 Other fresh vegetables 46=47+48+49+52+
142.3 124.3 118.2
47 Cabbages, white 47 168.20 123.90 121.90
48 Lettuces 48 220.2 166.1 166.1
49 Cucumbers 49=50+51 150.8 129.7 121.0
50 Cucumbers in open 50 - - -
51 Cucumbers under glass 51 150.8 129.7 121.0
52 Carrots 52 131.9 120.2 107.7
53 Dry onions 53 131.1 97.9 85.8
54 Green beens 54 141.54 88.63 158.55
55 Green peas 55 108.16 60.05 80.26
56 Other fresh vegetables; other 56=57+58+59 101.5 107.2 103.2
57 Garlic 57 66.4 77.9 80.9
58 Green onions 58 84.1 68.1 64.0
59 Pepper green or red in the open 59 124.65 105.15 98.58
60 Plants and flowers 60 141.9 110.1 97.9
61 Potatoes 61 157.4 98.5 100.4
62 Fruits 62=63+75 115.1 105.9 104.5
63 Fresh fruits 63=64+65+66+67 102.0 101.9 99.6
64 Apples 64 118.6 106.4 100.9
65 Pears 65 145.2 131.3 124.3
66 Peaches 66 - - -
67 Other fresh fruit, nuts and others 67=68+69+70+71 85.3 92.5 96.0
68 Cherrys 68 - - -
69 Plums 69 107.23 76.47 91.26
70 Walnuts 70 85.1 92.8 96.1
71 Other fresh fruit 71=72+73+74 - - -
72 Apricots 72 - - -
73 Sour cherries 73 - - -
74 Raspberries 74 - - -
75 Grapes 75=76+77 117.8 106.5 105.2
76 Dessert grapes 76 161.1 127.0 119.6
77 Grapes for wine production 77 115.7 105.5 104.5
78 Other crop products 78=79 207.2 120.2 115.3
79 Seeds 79 207.2 120.2 115.3
80 Fruits and vegetables 80=41+62 123.4 108.9 103.9
81 Crop output - total 81=1+11+36+
129.3 111.5 104.5
82 Crop output, excluding fruits and vegetables 82=1+11+36+61+78 130.1 112.0 104.6
83 Animals 83=84+87+88+91 135.9 97.5 95.7
84 Cattle 84=85+86 152.5 108.4 107.8
85 Cattle exluding calves 85 154.2 110.2 107.5
86 Calves 86 152.3 104.3 108.4
87 Pigs 87 126.1 94.3 92.2
88 Sheep and goats 88=89+90 152.6 113.6 110.1
89 Sheep 89 154.2 115.5 113.1
90 Goats 90 137.6 99.0 86.3
91 Poultry 91=92+93 138.0 90.8 89.0
92 Chicken less than 6 months old 92 133.2 90.3 88.5
93 Hens and cocks 93 172.9 140.1 130.9
94 Animal products 94=95+102+105 151.9 105.7 104.7
95 Milk 95=96+99 149.3 113.3 112.5
96 Milk from cattle 96=97+98 146.0 113.7 113.0
97 Cow milk 97 147.7 114.2 113.3
98 Buffalo milk 98 124.0 97.5 101.4
99 Milk from sheep and goats 99=100+101 165.7 103.7 101.4
100 Sheep milk 100 170.6 103.8 102.3
101 Goat milk 101 147.6 103.6 100.0
102 Eggs 102=103+104 177.6 101.0 97.7
103 Hen eggs for consumption 103 178.5 95.9 91.8
104 Hen eggs for incubation 104 165.5 117.4 116.6
105 Other animal products 105 109.3 88.4 92.5
106 Animal output 106=83+94 142.9 100.9 99.4
107 Agricultural - total 107=81+106 131.9 108.6 103.1
108 Agricultural - excluding fruits and vegetables 108=82+106 132.9 108.5 103.0