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by main trade partners

Time series : fTrade_1.1.1.2_en.xls

Еxports, imports and trade balance of Bulgaria with main non EU partner countries1 in the period January - November 2023 and 20242
Countries Exports - FOB Imports - CIF Trade balance - FOB/CIF
2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024
Million BGN Million BGN Million BGN
Third countries -total 29 184.7 27 664.6 -5.2 35 920.5 38 230.4 6.4 -6 735.8 -10 565.8
of which:
Albania 238.8 511.0 114.0 82.2 85.9 4.5 156.6 425.1
Algeria 986.1 940.5 -4.6 129.3 78.8 -39.1 856.8 861.7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 173.1 161.2 -6.9 101.9 97.9 -3.9 71.2 63.3
Brazil 82.8 88.6 7.0 616.5 983.0 59.4 -533.7 -894.4
Canada 265.3 237.7 -10.4 302.7 270.5 -10.6 -37.4 -32.8
Chile 25.7 36.0 40.1 297.4 573.8 92.9 -271.7 -537.8
China 1 928.9 1 345.2 -30.3 4 894.1 4 985.6 1.9 -2 965.2 -3 640.4
Egypt 1 276.6 1 239.7 -2.9 691.4 1 800.8 160.5 585.2 -561.1
Georgia 501.3 687.1 37.1 551.8 353.0 -36.0 -50.5 334.1
Gibraltar 336.2 970.4 188.6 0.1 0.3 200.0 336.1 970.1
India 407.8 292.7 -28.2 454.3 442.4 -2.6 -46.5 -149.7
Indonesia 505.6 161.3 -68.1 718.2 949.0 32.1 -212.6 -787.7
Iran, Islamic Republic of 219.2 241.6 10.2 102.0 113.6 11.4 117.2 128.0
Israel 392.5 280.9 -28.4 227.6 127.0 -44.2 164.9 153.9
Japan 162.4 147.8 -9.0 350.5 295.2 -15.8 -188.1 -147.4
Kazakhstan 155.5 163.5 5.1 15.5 1 973.8 12 634.2 140.0 -1 810.3
Korea, Republic of 403.1 304.9 -24.4 341.1 409.0 19.9 62.0 -104.1
Libya 261.1 72.8 -72.1 3.8 567.8 14 842.1 257.3 -495.0
Morocco 327.8 376.1 14.7 162.8 233.6 43.5 165.0 142.5
Namibia 101.6 7.5 -92.6 8.5 185.2 2 078.8 93.1 -177.7
Norway 122.5 115.4 -5.8 236.2 816.8 245.8 -113.7 -701.4
Peru 49.1 22.1 -55.0 367.3 592.8 61.4 -318.2 -570.7
Republic of North Macedonia 1 580.3 1 441.7 -8.8 925.5 966.2 4.4 654.8 475.5
Russian Federation 918.9 659.4 -28.2 6 101.0 1 159.4 -81.0 -5 182.1 -500.0
Serbia 1 744.1 1 771.4 1.6 2 106.1 2 002.6 -4.9 -362.0 -231.2
Singapore 262.9 64.7 -75.4 69.6 39.5 -43.2 193.3 25.2
South Africa 230.1 221.9 -3.6 186.1 48.2 -74.1 44.0 173.7
Switzerland 625.0 699.0 11.8 700.3 777.9 11.1 -75.3 -78.9
Taiwan 252.0 78.0 -69.0 289.6 239.1 -17.4 -37.6 -161.1
Tunisia 219.7 217.0 -1.2 68.0 154.1 126.6 151.7 62.9
Turkey 4 583.7 5 237.8 14.3 7 360.2 8 555.0 16.2 -2 776.5 -3 317.2
Ukraine 1 574.1 1 108.0 -29.6 1 747.7 2 068.4 18.3 -173.6 -960.4
United Arab Emirates 323.1 263.7 -18.4 94.5 135.5 43.4 228.6 128.2
United Kingdom3 1 527.5 1 382.7 -9.5 722.1 866.7 20.0 805.4 516.0
United States 2 003.3 1 992.1 -0.6 1 022.3 776.0 -24.1 981.0 1 216.1
Viet Nam 101.8 103.1 1.3 271.6 377.0 38.8 -169.8 -273.9

1 Partner country:
- In case of exports (or dispatches) is the country (or Member State) of final destination of the goods.
- In case of imports (or arrivals) is the country (or Member State) of consignment of the goods.
2 Data are preliminary as of January 13, 2025.
3 The United Kingdom includes: Northern Ireland; Great Britain; Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
Exports, imports and trade balance by groups of countries and main partner countries1 of Bulgaria in the period January - October 2023 and 20242
Countries and groups of countries Exports - FOB Imports - CIF Trade balance - FOB/CIF
2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024 Change compared to the same period of the previous year - % 2023 2024
Million BGN Million BGN Million BGN
Total 73 200.9 70 946.7 -3.1 80 684.9 80 829.4 0.2 -7 484.0 -9 882.7
EU 46 731.8 45 513.9 -2.6 48 285.0 46 125.8 -4.5 -1 553.2 -611.9
Austria 1 548.4 1 106.5 -28.5 2 140.5 1 983.0 -7.4 -592.1 -876.5
Belgium 2 238.9 1 517.6 -32.2 1 787.5 1 596.1 -10.7 451.4 -78.5
Croatia 535.4 874.9 63.4 208.7 270.6 29.7 326.7 604.3
Cyprus 231.7 216.3 -6.6 105.5 136.9 29.8 126.2 79.4
Czechia 1 386.9 1 343.8 -3.1 2 176.6 1 989.2 -8.6 -789.7 -645.4
Denmark 343.9 321.5 -6.5 532.5 404.3 -24.1 -188.6 -82.8
Estonia 116.2 59.0 -49.2 172.3 311.5 80.8 -56.1 -252.5
Finland 161.6 141.1 -12.7 210.7 193.9 -8.0 -49.1 -52.8
France 2 385.4 2 399.8 0.6 2 142.3 1 881.2 -12.2 243.1 518.6
Germany 10 046.7 10 886.4 8.4 10 034.1 9 277.0 -7.5 12.6 1 609.4
Greece 4 029.5 3 680.0 -8.7 3 575.2 3 921.3 9.7 454.3 -241.3
Hungary 928.6 989.9 6.6 2 821.7 2 743.1 -2.8 -1 893.1 -1 753.2
Ireland 216.6 215.6 -0.5 321.7 362.7 12.7 -105.1 -147.1
Italy 5 327.5 4 985.8 -6.4 5 455.1 4 656.8 -14.6 -127.6 329.0
Latvia 93.6 77.5 -17.2 69.2 73.2 5.8 24.4 4.3
Lithuania 200.9 172.6 -14.1 203.9 223.3 9.5 -3.0 -50.7
Luxembourg 27.1 24.8 -8.5 57.7 61.7 6.9 -30.6 -36.9
Malta 34.1 29.1 -14.7 25.0 16.9 -32.4 9.1 12.2
Netherlands 1 483.1 1 252.6 -15.5 3 367.3 2 950.9 -12.4 -1 884.2 -1 698.3
Poland 1 724.7 1 832.3 6.2 3 167.1 3 022.1 -4.6 -1 442.4 -1 189.8
Portugal 207.6 208.1 0.2 181.0 179.1 -1.0 26.6 29.0
Romania 6 759.8 6 332.5 -6.3 5 332.5 5 803.7 8.8 1 427.3 528.8
Slovakia 855.8 752.6 -12.1 964.1 1 018.8 5.7 -108.3 -266.2
Slovenia 409.6 441.3 7.7 742.7 769.5 3.6 -333.1 -328.2
Spain 2 022.4 1 405.6 -30.5 1 522.3 1 395.3 -8.3 500.1 10.3
Sweden 660.3 608.3 -7.9 647.6 488.4 -24.6 12.7 119.9
Not specified 2 755.5 3 638.4 32.0 320.2 395.3 23.5 2 435.3 3 243.1
Non EU countries 26 469.1 25 432.8 -3.9 32 399.9 34 703.6 7.1 -5 930.8 -9 270.8
CIS3 1 559.2 1 552.4 -0.4 6 145.1 3 162.9 -48.5 -4 585.9 -1 610.5
of which:
Kazakhstan 137.0 151.0 10.2 12.0 1 736.1 14 367.5 125.0 -1 585.1
Russian Federation 833.4 596.1 -28.5 5 394.7 1 107.7 -79.5 -4 561.3 -511.6
OECD4 9 541.5 9 969.8 4.5 10 690.5 12 504.4 17.0 -1 149.0 -2 534.6
of which:
Canada 249.0 226.1 -9.2 215.0 262.8 22.2 34.0 -36.7
Chile 24.0 34.2 42.5 246.8 568.8 130.5 -222.8 -534.6
Israel 367.6 260.3 -29.2 212.5 109.4 -48.5 155.1 150.9
Japan 149.0 132.9 -10.8 326.0 268.7 -17.6 -177.0 -135.8
Korea, Republic of 387.0 297.1 -23.2 313.5 383.7 22.4 73.5 -86.6
Turkey 4 130.8 4 872.5 18.0 6 675.9 7 829.7 17.3 -2 545.1 -2 957.2
United Kingdom5 1 396.7 1 295.5 -7.2 639.6 777.1 21.5 757.1 518.4
United States 1 840.5 1 806.0 -1.9 966.9 715.6 -26.0 873.6 1 090.4
EFTA6 685.1 741.3 8.2 869.2 1 440.4 65.7 -184.1 -699.1
of which:
Norway 107.1 98.5 -8.0 229.3 725.6 216.4 -122.2 -627.1
Switzerland 572.4 636.9 11.3 634.8 712.1 12.2 -62.4 -75.2
Countries not included in the upper groups
Albania 218.0 486.5 123.2 74.9 76.4 2.0 143.1 410.1
Algeria 902.4 829.2 -8.1 125.1 77.4 -38.1 777.3 751.8
Bosnia and Herzegovina 152.4 149.3 -2.0 96.9 91.5 -5.6 55.5 57.8
Brazil 72.9 81.5 11.8 596.3 706.5 18.5 -523.4 -625.0
China 1 712.4 1 236.5 -27.8 4 520.7 4 427.5 -2.1 -2 808.3 -3 191.0
Egypt 1 191.1 1 193.1 0.2 638.8 1 741.3 172.6 552.3 -548.2
Georgia 383.5 588.6 53.5 508.6 279.1 -45.1 -125.1 309.5
India 349.0 255.5 -26.8 424.5 402.1 -5.3 -75.5 -146.6
Indonesia 469.8 156.3 -66.7 595.5 876.9 47.3 -125.7 -720.6
Iran, Islamic Republic of 192.3 221.8 15.3 88.5 105.7 19.4 103.8 116.1
Peru 42.7 20.8 -51.3 310.3 590.1 90.2 -267.6 -569.3
Republic of North Macedonia 1 423.7 1 327.3 -6.8 774.7 875.0 12.9 649.0 452.3
Serbia 1 582.5 1 610.5 1.8 1 890.0 1 807.1 -4.4 -307.5 -196.6
Singapore 244.5 58.6 -76.0 66.7 34.6 -48.1 177.8 24.0
South Africa 224.3 202.4 -9.8 182.0 42.1 -76.9 42.3 160.3
Taiwan 217.9 71.6 -67.1 269.7 219.4 -18.7 -51.8 -147.8
Tunisia 192.4 202.4 5.2 65.6 118.8 81.1 126.8 83.6
Ukraine 1 506.4 999.7 -33.6 1 560.5 1 931.5 23.8 -54.1 -931.8
United Arab Emirates 300.6 239.0 -20.5 82.6 127.5 54.4 218.0 111.5
Viet Nam 94.2 93.3 -1.0 253.8 351.5 38.5 -159.6 -258.2

1 Partner country:
- In case of exports (or dispatches) is the country (or Member State) of final destination of the goods
- In case of imports (or arrivals) is the country (or Member State) of consignment of the goods.
2 Data are preliminary as of January 13, 2025.
3 CIS includes: Azerbaijan; Armenia; Belarus; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Moldova, Republic of; Russian Federation; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
4 OECD includes: Australia; Virgin Islands (US); United States; Iceland; Canada; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Mexico; New Zealand; Norway; Korea, Republic of; Turkey; United Kingdom; Switzerland; Japan and Israel.
5 The United Kingdom includes: Northern Ireland; Great Britain; Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
6 EFTA includes:Norway; Switzerland; Iceland and Liechtenstein.