Housing Function
Изплатени обезщетения по функция "Жилища" Social benefits in Housing function |
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | |
Общо изплатени обезщетения по функцията Total social benefits |
0.44 | 0.46 | 0.54 | 0.57 | 0.62 | |
Схема 13 Scheme 13 |
Социално подпомагане Social Aids |
0.44 | 0.46 | 0.54 | 0.57 | 0.62 |
Схема 17 Scheme 17 |
Социални услуги, извършвани от общините Social services provided by municipalities |
0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Contact | |
Contact organisation | National Statistical Institute |
Contact organisation unit | Statistics of Living Standart Department |
Contact name | Georgi Markov |
Contact person function | Chief expert |
Contact mail address | 2, P. Volov str., 1038 Sofia |
Contact email address | |
Contact phone number | +359 2 9857 252 |
Contact fax number | |
Metadata update | |
Metadata last certified | 24 September 2024 |
Metadata last posted | 24 September 2024 |
Metadata last update | 24 September 2024 |
Statistical presentation | |
Data description | The European System of integrated Social PROtection Statistics (ESSPROS) is a specific tool for statistical monitoring of social transfers for social protection as well as their financing in the member states of the EU. The social protection system consists of three parts - the core system, the module on pension beneficiaries and the module on net social protection benefits. In the core system annual data for receipts and expenditure by scheme is provided as well as data on paid benefits by function "Sickness/Healthcare", "Disability", "Old age", "Survivors", "Family/Children", "Unemployment", "Housing" and "Social exclusion not elsewhere classified". |
Classification system | · Classification of ESSPROS functions; · Classification of institutional sectors from which receipts of social protection schemes originate; · Classification of expenditure of social protection system by type; · Classification of social protection functions; · Classification of social benefits in each function. |
Sector coverage | In Bulgaria ESSPROS includes the following social protection schemes:
Statistical concepts and definitions | The European System of integrated Social PROtection Statistics (ESSPROS) is an instrument of statistical observation which enables international comparison of the administrative national data on social protection in the EU Member States. The conventional definition used for the scope of social protection definition is the following: "Social Protection encompasses all interventions from public or private bodies intended to relieve households and individuals of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs, provided that there is neither a simultaneous reciprocal nor an individual arrangement involved. The list of risks or needs that may give rise to social protection is, by convention, as follows: Sickness/Health care, Disability, Old age, Survivors, Family/children, Unemployment, Housing and Social exclusion not elsewhere classified". ESSPROS is meant as a common framework enabling a comprehensive and coherent description of social protection: - covering social benefits to households and their financing; - geared to international comparability; - harmonising with other statistics, particularly the national accounts, in its main concepts. The ESSPROS system ESSPROS is composed of a Core system and of modules. The Core system includes: - Quantitative data: annual data on Social protection receipts and expenditures by scheme/groups of schemes and for the total of schemes; they provide a means of analysing and comparing social protection financial flows. - Qualitative information: Metadata by social protection scheme and detailed benefit. The Modules contain supplementary statistical information on particular aspects of social protection: - A module on Pension Beneficiaries has been introduced in 2008 and data from 2006 to 2011 are available in Eurobase - ESSPROS domain. According to the EP and Council Regulation 458/2007 (Annex II), pension beneficiaries are defined as recipients of one or more of the periodic cash benefits of a social protection scheme falling within seven pension categories (disability pension; early retirement benefit due to reduced capacity to work; old-age pension; anticipated old-age pension; partial pension; survivors' pension; early retirement benefit due to labour market reasons). The aim of the module on pension beneficiaries is to calculate the total number of beneficiaries within:
Statistical unit | Social protection scheme |
Statistical population | The European system of integrated social protection statistics gathers data on benefits provided, and their financing, as expenditures and receipts of the units that are responsible for providing social protection. |
Reference area | The territory of Bulgaria. |
Time coverage | 2005 - 2022 |
Base period | Not applicable. |
Unit of measure | |
Million BGN | |
Reference period | |
Year | |
Institutional mandate | |
Legal acts and other agreements | · Regulation (EC) No 458/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European system of integrated social protection statistics (ESSPROS); · Commission Regulation (EC) No 1322/2007 on appropriate formats for transmission, results to be transmitted and criteria for measuring quality for the ESSPROS core system and the module on pension beneficiaries of 12/11/2007; · Commission Regulation (EC) No 10/2008 on definitions, detailed classifications and updating of the rules for dissemination for the ESSPROS core system and the module on pension beneficiaries of 08/01/2008; · Commission Regulation (EC) No 110/2011 as regards the appropriate formats for the transmission of data, the results to be transmitted and the criteria for measuring quality for the ESSPROS module on net social protection benefits; · Commission Regulation (EC) No 263/2011 as regards the launch of full data collection for the ESSPROS module on net social protection benefits; · Law on Statistics. |
Data sharing | |
Confidentiality | |
Confidentiality - policy |
· Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society. |
Confidentiality - data treatment | Not applicable. |
Release policy | |
Release calendar | Date of publication of statistical information is available in the Release Calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys carried out by the National Statistical Institute |
Release calendar access | The calendar is available on the NSI website: https://www.nsi.bg/en/node/480 |
User access | Data on ESSPROS is published on the NSI website, section Social Protection in accordance with the Law on Statistics and the European Statistics Code of Practice respecting the professional independence and aimed at objectivity, transparency and equal treatment of all consumers. |
Frequency of dissemination | |
Annualy | |
Accessibility and clarity | |
News release | Receipts and expenditure for social protection. |
Publications | Not applicable. |
On-line database | Detailed results on ESSPROS are available to all users of the NSI website under the heading Social Protection: https://www.nsi.bg/en/node/6914 and informational system “Infostat” |
Micro-data access | Not applicable. |
Other | Information service on request, according to the Rules for the dissemination of statistical products and services in NSI. |
Documentation on methodology | · ESSPROS manual 1996 (published by Eurostat) for the period 1999-2005; · ESSPROS manual, published in 2008 (Eurostat) for the period after 2005; · ESSPROS manual, published in 2016 (Eurostat); · European system of integrated social protection statistics ESSPROS — 2019 edition (Eurostat); · European system of integrated social protection statistics ESSPROS — Manual and user guidelines — 2022 edition (Eurostat). |
Quality documentation | Quality information by scheme and type of benefits. |
Quality management | |
Quality assurance | The European system for integrated social protection statistics is an annual survey which is conducted in the framework of Regulation No 458/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European system for social protection statistics, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1322/2007 on appropriate formats for transmission, results to be transmitted and criteria for measuring quality and Commission Regulation (EC) No 10/2008 on definitions, detailed classifications and updating of the rules for dissemination. |
Quality assessment | Data is accompanied by quality information for each social protection scheme as well as detailed description of the various types of benefits provided. Quality report is prepared. |
Relevance | |
User needs | The main users of ESSPROS data are:
User satisfaction | No survey is conducted for user satisfaction. |
Completeness | ESSPROS encompasses interventions from public and private bodies intended to relieve households and individuals of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs, provided that there is neither a simultaneous reciprocal nor an individual arrangement involved. |
Accuracy and reliability | |
Overall accuracy | As ESSPROS data are based on many administrative sources, the standard indicators for measuring accuracy are not directly applicable. Therefore, the accuracy is estimated by considering the non-sampling errors in the data sources. |
Sampling error | ESSPROS is not a sample survey. |
Non-sampling error | Limitations in the scope of and problems of measurement, evaluation of the method of estimation and revisions. |
Timeliness and punctuality | |
Timeliness | According to the schedule for ESSPROS data provision, defined by Regulation 458/2007, data is provided with a margin of 18 months. |
Punctuality | The target date for provision of data on the ESSPROS core system is determined by the European Parliament and Regulation (EO) No 458/2007 of the Council (appendix 1, items 1.3 and 2.3), according to which quantitative data at all schemes level and qualitative information for year N must be disseminated by Eurostat no later than 31 October of year N+2. |
Coherence and comparability | |
Comparability - geographical | Social protection schemes differ greatly between different countries. There are great differences in the number and share of these schemes. In some countries the number of social protection schemes is very high while in others, usually these with small number of beneficiaries, the schemes are only partially covered by the data sources. |
Comparability - over time | There are minor changes as regards the schemes, data sources, timeliness and scope of data in different countries which means that data from different years are comparable. |
Coherence - cross domain | Not applicable. |
Coherence - internal | As far as possible, there needs to be coherence between quantitative data and qualitative information. Where benefits are classified under a certain scheme, the description of these benefits should be found in the qualitative information and vice versa, unless the scheme described in the qualitative information has not yet entered into force (i.e. no benefits are supplied in the reference year) or has expired (i.e. the scheme is split into two different schemes, merged with another scheme or definitively abolished). Coherence should be ensured as far as possible between the core system and the module on pension beneficiaries. If there are benefits classified under a particular pension item for a scheme, the number of beneficiaries should be found in the corresponding item in the pension beneficiaries module, and vice versa. |
Cost and burden | |
Data is collected from administrative sources. | |
Data revision | |
Data revision - policy | Not applicable. |
Data revision - practice | Data revision is possible due to different reasons, for example change in the data sources used, change in the methods used for data estimation, due to adjustments in definitions used, etc. |
Statistical processing | |
Source data | Data are collected from the following administrative registers and information systems: · Register "Pensions"; · NSSI Personal register; · Detailed Annual Report of NSSI on pension expenditure, short-term expenditure and contribution income; · Detailed Annual Report of NHIF on incomes and expenditure; · Aggregated Report on Incomes of health insurance companies; · Report on Benefits and Contibutions of health insurance companies by type of services; · Detailed Annual Report on incomes and expenditure of Ministry of Health; · Data base of annual execution of the Consolidated Fiscal Program; · Information system of Social Assistance Agency; · Detailed Annual Report on the implementation of the budget of Agency for People with Disabilities; · Information system of Employment Agency; · Information system of Ministry of Education and Science. Additionally data from following statistical surveys are used: · Annual Report of Enterprises on the employed, salaries paid and other expenditures for labour;
Frequency of data collection | Annually |
Data collection | · Data files from administrative registers and information systems; · Electronic form for some social protection schemes; · Data from statistical surveys. |
Data validation | Some of the schemes should be balanced, i.e. total expenditure should be equal to total receipts. |
Data compilation | Not applicable. |
Adjustment | Not applicable. |
Comment |
The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2022
In 2022, Bulgaria spent 30 391.7 million BGN for social protection benefits. In order to finance social protection in the country, 16 159.0 million BGN were allocated from the state budget, while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 17 121.0 million BGN.
In 2022, the social protection benefits by functions are:
‘Sickness/Healthcare’ - 8 304.8 million BGN;
‘Disability’ - 2 828.5 million BGN;
‘Old age’ - 13 635.1 million BGN;
‘Survivors’ - 1 664.8 million BGN;
The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2021
In 2021, Bulgaria spent 25 415.8 million BGN for social protection benefits. Тo financing social protection in the country, 13 896.9 million BGN were allocated from the state budget, while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 15 117.8 million BGN.
In 2021, the social protection benefits by function are:
- ‘Sickness/Healthcare’ - 7 420.7 million BGN;
- ‘Disability’ - 2 186.5 million BGN;
- ‘Old age’ - 11 289.1 million BGN;
- ‘Survivors’ - 1 253.1 million BGN; ...
Project ‘European system of integrated social protection statistics (ESSPROS) - Unemployment benefits recipients’
In October 2022 the activities of the project ‘European system of integrated social protection statistics (ESSPROS) - Unemployment benefits recipients’ of the National Statistical Institute under a grant agreement with the European Commission 101055564 - 2021-BG-ESSPROS were successfully completed. The main objective of the project was to build capacity for the preparation of statistical data on the recipients of unemployment benefits in Bulgaria within the framework of the European System for Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS) according to a methodology proposed by Euro...
The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2020
In 2020, Bulgaria spent 21 924.4 million BGN for social protection benefits. Тo financing social protection in the country, 11 142.3 million BGN were allocated from the state budget while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 13 578.4 million BGN.
In 2020 the social protection benefits by function are:
- “Sickness/Healthcare” - 6 587.9 million BGN;
- “Disability” - 1 864.6 million BGN;
- “Old age” - 9 289.0 million BGN;
- “Survivors” - 1 087.3 million BGN;
- “Family/Children” - 1 974...
The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2019
In 2019, Bulgaria spent 19 918.5 million BGN for social protection. Тo finance social protection in the country, 8 129.0 million BGN were allocated from the state budget while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 13 258.3 million BGN.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2018
In 2018, Bulgaria spent 18 517.1 million BGN for social protection. Тo finance social protection in the country, 7 994.1 million BGN were allocated from the state budget while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 11 552.1 million BGN.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2017
In 2017, Bulgaria spent 17 195.7 million BGN for social protection. Тo finance social protection in the country, 7 880.3 million BGN were allocated from the state budget while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 10 531.4 million BGN.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2016
In 2016, Bulgaria spent 16 455.2 Million BGN for social protection which represented around 17.5% of the gross domestic product. In 2016, the total receipts recorded in ESSPROS for financing the social protection system amounted to 16 664.7 million BGN, from which 8 153.4 million BGN were funds from the state budget, 8 233.03 million BGN were funds from social protection contributions and 278.3 million BGN were classified as other receipts.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2015
In 2015, Bulgaria spent 15 811.6 million BGN for social protection. Тo finance social protection in the country, 8 036.5 million BGN were allocated from the state budget while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 8 610.5 million BGN.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2014
In 2014, Bulgaria spent 15 490.8 million BGN for social protection. Тo finance social protection in the country, 8 199.0 million BGN were allocated from the state budget while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 8 282.1 million BGN.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2013
In 2013, Bulgaria spent 14 452.6 million BGN for social protection. Тo finance social protection in the country, 7 690.8 million BGN were allocated from the state budget while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 7 746.0 million BGN.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2012
The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2011
In 2011, 7 167.1 Million BGN were allocated from the state budget to finance social protection in the country while the receipts of social protection contributions amounted to 6 661 Million BGN.
...The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2010
The European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS), 2009
Statistical Reference Book 2024
Тhe National Statistical Institute presents to the users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2024 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents up-to-date information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2019 - 2023 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic acti...
Statistical Reference Book 2024 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2024 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents up-to-date information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2019 - 2023 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry,...
Statistical Yearbook 2023
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 91-st edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2017 - 2022 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the National Statistical Sys...
Statistical Reference Book 2023
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2023 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2018 - 2022 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, fore...
Statistical Reference Book 2023 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2023 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2018 - 2022 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings ...
Statistical Yearbook 2022
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2016 - 2021 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the National Statistical ...
Statistical Reference Book 2022
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2017 - 2021 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2022 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2022 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2017 - 2021 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, fo...
Statistical Yearbook 2021
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2015 - 2020 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2021
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2020 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2021 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2020 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agri...
Statistical Yearbook 2020
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2014 - 2019 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Yearbook 2012
Statistical Reference Book 2020
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2019 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2020 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2019 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture,...
Statistical Yearbook 2019
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2013 - 2018 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Yearbook 2018 in infographics
In 2018, for the first time, we presented the results of the statistical surveys through graphics, images and other visualization tools, which resulted in a positive response among a wide range of users. We believe that this modern way of presenting statistical information will trigger the interest in those who for the first time encounter the meaning of numbers revealing important aspects of socio-economic life.
...Statistical Reference Book 2019
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2015 - 2018 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Reference Book 2019 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2015 - 2018 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2018
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2012 - 2017 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2018
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2014 - 2017 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Yearbook 2017 in infographics
The publication is intended for a wider audience as statistical data are presented in a plain and easy understandable way.
The current state and changes in the socio-economic and cultural life in the country are presented not in the traditional way in tables and text, but through infographics - images, graphics and other visualization tools.
We belie...
Statistical Reference Book 2018 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2014 - 2017 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2017
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2012 - 2016 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2017
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2013 - 2016 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Reference Book 2017 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2013 - 2016 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2016
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2011 - 2015 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2016
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2012 - 2015 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transpor...
Statistical Reference Book 2016 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2012 - 2015 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2015
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2010 - 2014 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Reference Book 2015
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2015 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2010 - 2014 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transport, c...
Statistical Reference Book 2015 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2015 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2010 - 2014 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transport,...
Statistical Yearbook 2014
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 82nd edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed and electronic format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2009 - 2013 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Nati...
Statistical Reference Book 2014
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2014 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2009 - 2013 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, tran...
Statistical Reference Book 2014 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2014 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2009 - 2013 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, tr...
Statistical Yearbook 2013
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 81st edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed and electronic format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2008 - 2012 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Nati...