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Time series : Labour_4.2.3.3_EN.xls

Number of employees, average gross annual earnings and average annual paid leave in 2022 by gender and education - total full-time and part-time employees
Education Employees Gross annual earnings Annual paid holiday leave Gross annual earnings (part-time employees converted into full-time equivalents)
Total of which irregular bonuses of which annual payments in kind of which earnings for annual paid holiday leave Coeffici-ent of variation Median
Males and females
Total 2 024 150 21 968 1 612 494 1 938 0.24 15 648 24 21 593
Primary or lower 17 401 12 463 516 342 938 1.44 10 964 21 12 050
Lower secondary 93 880 12 607 566 389 990 0.62 10 921 21 12 190
Upper secondary 1 076 405 15 670 822 467 1 246 0.25 12 049 22 15 163
Higher degree "professional bachelor" 70 133 21 002 1 416 462 2 047 0.80 19 181 26 20 789
Higher degree "bachelor”,” master" 753 008 32 156 2 870 554 3 003 0.38 24 835 27 31 908
Higher degree "doctor" 13 323 38 537 4 185 390 5 124 2.19 33 589 39 41 032
Total 986 567 23 887 1 767 588 1 975 0.38 15 632 23 23 361
Primary or lower 8 399 13 230 490 414 989 1.89 11 481 21 12 720
Lower secondary 50 958 13 442 606 461 1 051 0.97 11 084 21 12 855
Upper secondary 596 625 17 095 922 549 1 362 0.37 12 401 22 16 426
Higher degree "professional bachelor" 24 401 22 855 1 406 725 1 996 1.67 18 317 23 22 478
Higher degree "bachelor”,” master" 300 145 39 197 3 636 685 3 312 0.63 27 984 24 38 904
Higher degree "doctor" 6 039 41 068 5 409 474 5 093 3.67 35 150 38 43 000
Total 1 037 583 20 144 1 465 404 1 904 0.29 15 658 25 19 912
Primary or lower 9 003 11 747 540 275 890 2.17 10 532 21 11 424
Lower secondary 42 922 11 615 519 303 917 0.60 10 767 22 11 400
Upper secondary 479 780 13 897 699 365 1 102 0.28 11 685 22 13 593
Higher degree "professional bachelor" 45 732 20 013 1 421 321 2 074 0.78 19 526 27 19 888
Higher degree "bachelor”,” master" 452 862 27 489 2 363 467 2 799 0.42 23 596 29 27 272
Higher degree "doctor" 7 284 36 438 3 171 321 5 150 2.45 32 430 39 39 400

* Preliminary data
Explanatory notes:
1. Economic activities covered: NACE Rev.2 sections B – S, including section O
2. Size of enterprises covered: enterprises with 1 or more employees
3. Categories of employees covered: all employees with earnings during October 2022
4. In the calculations of annual indicators are included only employees having at least 30 weeks paid by the employer in 2022
5. Coefficients of variations (relative standard error) relate to the total gross earnings
6. Symbols:
( )  - data are considered relatively representative
/  - data are not considered representative
0  - less than half of unit employed