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Time series : Labour_4.2.1.3_EN.xls

Number of employees, average gross and net hourly earnings and average gross overtime hourly earnings in October 2022 by gender and education - total full-time and part-time employees
Education Employees Gross hourly earnings Coefficient of variation Median Net hourly earnings Gross overtime hourly earnings
Males and females
Total 2 317 407 10.14 0.20 7.13 8.02 15.77
Primary or lower 23 750 5.89 1.09 4.81 4.54 9.04
Lower secondary 115 850 6.02 0.45 5.17 4.63 9.91
Upper secondary 1 257 784 7.37 0.21 5.58 5.72 13.17
Higher degree "professional bachelor" 76 711 10.04 0.72 8.93 7.84 16.26
Higher degree "bachelor”,” master" 829 317 14.89 0.32 11.58 11.97 23.86
Higher degree "doctor" 13 995 19.34 2.36 15.87 15.47 34.51
Total 1 133 132 10.82 0.32 6.99 8.60 16.69
Primary or lower 11 906 6.14 1.33 4.88 4.73 9.01
Lower secondary 63 489 6.23 0.72 5.05 4.80 11.32
Upper secondary 696 221 7.88 0.30 5.63 6.13 13.96
Higher degree "professional bachelor" 26 988 10.66 1.55 8.08 8.39 17.21
Higher degree "bachelor”,” master" 328 254 17.94 0.53 13.03 14.57 26.65
Higher degree "doctor" 6 274 19.92 3.47 16.19 16.00 29.26
Total 1 184 275 9.49 0.24 7.19 7.47 14.60
Primary or lower 11 844 5.63 1.75 4.78 4.35 9.05
Lower secondary 52 362 5.76 0.42 5.28 4.44 8.64
Upper secondary 561 563 6.73 0.24 5.55 5.21 11.89
Higher degree "professional bachelor" 49 724 9.70 0.66 9.23 7.55 15.71
Higher degree "bachelor”,” master" 501 062 12.90 0.35 10.89 10.27 21.14
Higher degree "doctor" 7 721 18.87 3.22 15.73 15.05 39.36

* Preliminary data
Explanatory notes:
1. Economic activities covered: NACE Rev.2 sections B – S, including section O
2. Size of enterprises covered: enterprises with 1 or more employees
3. Categories of employees covered: all employees with earnings during October 2022
4. Coefficients of variations (relative standard error) relate to the total gross earnings
5. Symbols:
( )  - data are considered relatively representative
/  - data are not considered representative
0  - less than half of unit employed