2023 | |
Cinemas - number | 81 |
Screens | 225 |
Shows - number | 309 659 |
Admissions - thousands | 4 412 |
Average number of film shows per cinema - number | 3 823 |
Average number of admissions per cinema - thousands | 54.5 |
Average number of admissions per film show - number | 14.2 |
Euro-SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)
Contact | |
Contact organisation | National Statistical Institute |
Contact organisation unit | Education and Culture Statistics Department |
Contact name | Eli Stefanova |
Contact person function | Chief Expert |
Contact mail address | 2, P. Volov Str.; 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Contact email address | |
Contact phone number | + 359 2 9857 602 |
Contact fax number | |
Metadata update | |
Metadata last certified | 23 May 2024 |
Metadata last posted | 23 May 2024 |
Metadata last update | 23 May 2024 |
Statistical presentation | |
Data description | Data refers to the number of cinemas, screens, seats. The survey includes indicators for the number of films screened according to their nationality, number of screenings, visitors and the revenue from tickets.
Classification system | · Type of the cinema; · Nationality of the film; · Nomenclature of territorial units for statistical purposes in Bulgaria (NUTS). |
Sector coverage | Cover the activities of all cinemas in cities and villages. |
Statistical concepts and definitions | Existing permanent seats (cinemas) of any type where a film was screened (motion picture films) to the general public from the following types: stationary cinema theaters - indoor and outdoor.
- indoor cinema theatres (with a permanent fixed roof over most of the seats); - outdoor cinema theatres (open-air cinema theatres); |
Statistical unit | Units of observation are cinemas. |
Statistical population | Cinemas. |
Reference area | The Republic of Bulgaria. |
Time coverage | 2003 - 2022 |
Base period | Not applicable. |
Unit of measure | |
Number, Thousand BGN | |
Reference period | |
Yearly. | |
Institutional mandate | |
Legal acts and other agreements | · Law on Statistics; · Law on the film industry. |
Data sharing | There are agreements to exchange data with: · Eurostat - Audiovisual statistics questionnaire - completed on the basis of a gentlemen's, agreement; · Ministry of Culture. |
Confidentiality | |
Confidentiality - policy | · Law on Statistics; · Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society. |
Confidentiality - data treatment | Individual data are not published in accordance with article 25 of the Law on Statistics. The publishing of individual data can be performed only in accordance with article 26 of the same law. |
Release policy | |
Release calendar | The date for publication of statistical information is listed in the Release Calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys carried out by the National Statistical Institute. |
Release calendar access | The calendar is available on the NSI website: |
User access | Data is published on the NSI website, section Culture in accordance with the Law on Statistics and the European Statistics Code of Practice respecting the professional independence and aimed at objectivity, transparency and equal treatment of all consumers. |
Frequency of dissemination | |
Annual. | |
Accessibility and clarity | |
News release | Regular press release. |
Publications | · Statistical Yearbook; · Statistical Reference Book; · 'Bulgaria' (brochure); · Regions, districts and municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria. |
On-line database | Data on cinemas are available to all users of the NSI website under the heading Culture - Cinemas: and Informational System "Infostat": |
Micro-data access | Anonymised individual data can be provide for scientific and research purposes, and for individual request according to the Rules for the provision of anonymised individual data for scientific and research purposes. |
Other | Information service on request, according to the Rules for the dissemination of statistical products and services to NSI. |
Documentation on methodology | Survey Methodology: |
Quality documentation | Quality documents are under preparation. |
Quality management | |
Quality assurance | Not applicable. |
Quality assessment | Not applicable. |
Relevance | |
User needs | The main users of statistical · Ministry of Culture; · National Film Center; · Users - including media interested in cinema activities in the Republic of Bulgaria. |
User satisfaction | Not applicable. |
Completeness | High degree of completeness is ensured according by the methodology. |
Accuracy and reliability | |
Overall accuracy | The survey is exhaustive. There have been several estimates for incomplete or missing data, using final methods when it is possible. |
Sampling error | Not applicable. |
Non-sampling error | Not applicable. |
Timeliness and punctuality | |
Timeliness | The data for cinema activities are available in the form of tables 5 months after the end of the data collection. |
Punctuality | The terms of the previous position are strictly observed. |
Coherence and comparability | |
Comparability - geographical | Not applicable. |
Comparability - over time | The data are comparable. |
Coherence - cross domain | Not applicable. |
Coherence - internal | Not applicable. |
Cost and burden | |
The average length for filling the statistical report by the respondents is about 45 minutes. | |
Data revision | |
Data revision - policy | Not applicable (preliminary data not published). |
Data revision - practice | Not applicable (preliminary data not published). |
Statistical processing | |
Source data | Cinemas. |
Frequency of data collection | Yearly. |
Data collection | Data are collected via statistical questionnaire "Report on the activities of cinemas". Respondents send the questionnaire by mail. |
Data validation | In the head office of the NSI is being done: · Logical control of data when entering; · Logical control of micro data; · Logic control of aggregate data. |
Data compilation | Data processing is performed with statistical software. |
Adjustment | Not applicable. |
Comment |
ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)
Contact | |
Contact organisation | National Statistical Institute |
Contact organisation unit | Education and Culture Statistics Department |
Contact name | Eli Stefanova |
Contact person function | Chief Expert |
Contact mail address | 2, P. Volov Str.; 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Contact email address | |
Contact phone number | + 359 2 9857 602 |
Contact fax number | |
Statistical presentation | |
Data description | Data refers to the number of cinemas, screens, seats. The survey includes indicators for the number of films screened according to their nationality, number of screenings, visitors and the revenue from tickets.
Classification system | · Type of the cinema; · Nationality of the film; · Nomenclature of territorial units for statistical purposes in Bulgaria (NUTS). |
Sector coverage | Cover the activities of all cinemas in cities and villages. |
Statistical concepts and definitions | Existing permanent seats (cinemas) of any type where a film was screened (motion picture films) to the general public from the following types: stationary cinema theaters - indoor and outdoor.
- indoor cinema theatres (with a permanent fixed roof over most of the seats); - outdoor cinema theatres (open-air cinema theatres); |
Statistical unit | Units of observation are cinemas. |
Statistical population | Cinemas. |
Reference area | The Republic of Bulgaria. |
Time coverage | 2003 - 2022 |
Base period | Not applicable. |
Statistical processing | |
Source data | Cinemas. |
Frequency of data collection | Yearly. |
Data collection | Data are collected via statistical questionnaire "Report on the activities of cinemas". Respondents send the questionnaire by mail. |
Data validation | In the head office of the NSI is being done: · Logical control of data when entering; · Logical control of micro data; · Logic control of aggregate data. |
Data compilation | Data processing is performed with statistical software. |
Adjustment | Not applicable. |
Quality management | |
Quality assurance | Not applicable. |
Quality assessment | Not applicable. |
Relevance | |
User needs | The main users of statistical · Ministry of Culture; · National Film Center; · Users - including media interested in cinema activities in the Republic of Bulgaria. |
User satisfaction | Not applicable. |
Completeness | High degree of completeness is ensured according by the methodology. |
Data completeness - rate | Not applicable (census). |
Accuracy and reliability | |
Overall accuracy | The survey is exhaustive. There have been several estimates for incomplete or missing data, using final methods when it is possible. |
Sampling error | Not applicable. |
Sampling errors - indicators | Not applicable (census). |
Non-sampling error | Not applicable. |
Coverage error | Not applicable (census). |
Over-coverage - rate | Not applicable (census). |
Common units - proportion | Not applicable (census). |
Measurement error | Not applicable (census). |
Non response error | Not applicable (census). |
Unit non-response - rate | Not applicable (census). |
Item non-response - rate | Not applicable (census). |
Processing error | Not applicable (census). |
Imputation - rate | Not applicable (no imputations). |
Model assumption error | Not applicable (census). |
Seasonal adjustment | Not applicable (no seasonal adjustments). |
Data revision - policy | Not applicable (preliminary data not published). |
Data revision - practice | Not applicable (preliminary data not published). |
Data revision - average size | Not applicable (only final data is published). |
Timeliness and punctuality | |
Timeliness | The data for cinema activities are available in the form of tables 5 months after the end of the data collection. |
Time lag - first results | 18 weeks |
Time lag - final results | Not applicable (only final results published). |
Punctuality | The terms of the previous position are strictly observed. |
Punctuality - delivery and publication | Not applicable (data published on exact date). |
Coherence and comparability | |
Comparability - geographical | Not applicable. |
Asymmetry for mirror flows statistics - coefficient | Not applicable (no flows). |
Comparability - over time | The data are comparable. |
Length of comparable time series | From 2003. |
Coherence - cross domain | Not applicable. |
Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics | Not applicable (annual survey). |
Coherence - National Accounts | Not applicable. |
Coherence - internal | Not applicable. |
Accessibility and clarity | |
News release | Regular press release. |
Publications | · Statistical Yearbook; · Statistical Reference Book; · 'Bulgaria' (brochure); · Regions, districts and municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria. |
On-line database | Data on cinemas are available to all users of the NSI website under the heading Culture - Cinemas: and Informational System "Infostat": |
Data tables - consultations | Not available. |
Micro-data access | Anonymised individual data can be provide for scientific and research purposes, and for individual request according to the Rules for the provision of anonymised individual data for scientific and research purposes. |
Other | Information service on request, according to the Rules for the dissemination of statistical products and services to NSI. |
Metadata - consultations | Not available. |
Documentation on methodology | Survey Methodology: |
Metadata completeness – rate | 100%. |
Quality documentation | Quality documents are under preparation. |
Cost and burden | |
The average length for filling the statistical report by the respondents is about 45 minutes. | |
Confidentiality | |
Confidentiality - policy | · Law on Statistics; · Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society. |
Confidentiality – data treatment | Individual data are not published in accordance with article 25 of the Law on Statistics. The publishing of individual data can be performed only in accordance with article 26 of the same law. |
Comment |
Publishing Production in 2023 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continuing Editions)
In Bulgaria during 2023, 10 361 books and pamphlets were published, which is with 1 467 less than the previous year. The highest number was fiction for adults - 2 995 titles, followed by scientific literature - 2 136. The titles of translated publications were 2 688. More than half of them were translated from English (57.7%), followed by the editions from French - 8.4%, German - 5.9% and Russian - 5.9%. The highest number of books and pamphlets being published was in Sofia (stolitsa) district - 6 887, followed by Plovdiv (756) and Varna (625) districts.
In 202...
Main Data on Culture in the Republic of Bulgaria for 2023
In 2023 in Bulgaria were operating the following cultural institutions:
- 186 museums with museum collection of 7 848 thousand units;
- 83 theatres, which organized 16 125 performances, visited by 2 249 thousand viewers;
- 49 libraries with library collection over 200 thousand library units;
- 81 cinemas with 225 cinema screens.
Publishing Production in 2022 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
In Bulgaria during 2022 were published 11 828 books and pamphlets, which is with 129 more than the previous year. With the highest number were the scientific issues 3 369 titles, followed by the fiction for adults – 1 891. The translated titles were 2 596, of which than half were translated from English (56.8%), followed by the editions translated from Russian – 6.4%, German – 5.7% and French – 5.5%. The highest number of books and pamphlets were published in Sofia (stolitsa) – 7 734, followed by Plovdiv (837) and Varna (670) districts.
In 2022...
Main Data on Culture in the Republic of Bulgaria for 2022
In 2022 in Bulgaria were operating the following cultural institutions:
- 186 museums with museum collection of 7 804 thousand units;
- 72 theatres, which organized 13 193 performances, visited by 1 712 thousand viewers;
- 49 libraries with library collection over 200 thousand library units;
- 85 cinemas with 227 cinema screens;
- 3 319 community cultural centers (chitalishte).
Publishing Production in 2021 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
In Bulgaria during 2021 were issued:
- 11 700 books and pamphlets with circulation of 4 990 thousands
- 201 newspapers with circulation of 119 588 thousands
- 494 magazines and bulletins with circulation of 7 086 thousands
- 120 periodical collections with circulation of 19 thousands.
Main Data on Culture in the Republic of Bulgaria for 2021
In 2021 in Bulgaria, were operating the following cultural institutions:
- 184 museums with a museum collection of 7 624 thousand units;
- 71 theatres, which organized 9 970 performances, visited by 885 thousand viewers;
- 47 libraries with a library collection of over 200 thousand library units;
- 76 cinemas with 221 cinema screens.
Publishing Production in 2020 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
In Bulgaria during 2020 were issued:
- 10 769 books and pamphlets with circulation of 5 893 thousands
- 209 newspapers with circulation of 123 287 thousands
- 519 magazines and bulletins with circulation of 8 416 thousands
- 101 periodical collections with circulation of 17 thousands.
Main Data on Culture in the Republic of Bulgaria for 2020
In 2020 in Bulgaria were operating the following cultural institutions:
• 182 museums with museum collection of 7 550 thousand units;
• 71 theatres, which organized 7 021 performances, visited by 769 thousand viewers;
• 47 libraries with library collection over 200 thousand library units;
• 70 cinemas with 215 cinema screens.
...Publishing Production in 2019 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture in 2019 - Main Results
- 160 museums with museum collection of 7 529 thousand units;
- 74 theatres, which organized 15 955 performances, visited by 2 516 thousand viewers;
- 52 music formations;
- 47 libraries with library collection over 200 thousand library units;
- 74 cinemas with 237 cinema screens.
Publishing Production in 2018 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture in 2018 - Main Results
Publishing Production in 2017 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture in 2017 - Main Results
Main Results from the Survey on Community Cultural Centres Activities in 2017
The number of operating community clubs as of 31.12.2017 in Republic of Bulgaria was 3 321, from which 663 (20.0%) in urban and 2 658 (80.0%) in rural areas. In comparison to 2012 the number of community clubs had increased with 246. The register members were 272 797 and in comparison to 2012 there was observed an increase with 34 593 or with 14.5%.
...Publishing Production in 2016 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture in 2016 - Main Results
Publishing Production in 2015 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture in 2015 - Main Results
Publishing Production in 2014 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture in 2014 - Main Results
As of 31.12.2014 in Bulgaria were functioned the followed cultured institutions: 204 museums with museum collection of 7 600 thousand units; 72 theatres, performed 14 694 performances and visited by 2 302 thousand viewers; 59 music formations; 48 libraries with library collection over 200 thousand library units, as well as 49 cinemas with 196 screens.
...Publishing Production in 2013 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture for 2013 - Main Results
Publishing Production (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continued Editions in 2012)
Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture for 2012 - Main Results
Publishing Production (Continued Editions in 2011 and Books and Pamphlets Production for the Peroid October 2010 - December 2011)
Main Results from the Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture for 2011
Books and Pamphlets Production for the Peroid January - September 2010 and Continued Editions in 2010
Main Results from the Annual Statistical Surveys in the Field of Culture for 2010
Book publishing and Press 2023
The National Statistical Institute has the pleasure of presenting to the attention of the users of statistical information its new electronic publication Book publishing and Press 2023.
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2023. Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1961 - 2023, are also included. The publication includes methodology notes and a brief analysis...
Statistical Reference Book 2024
Тhe National Statistical Institute presents to the users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2024 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents up-to-date information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2019 - 2023 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic acti...
Statistical Reference Book 2024 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2024 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents up-to-date information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2019 - 2023 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry,...
Statistical Yearbook 2023
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 91-st edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2017 - 2022 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the National Statistical Sys...
Book publishing and Press 2022
The National Statistical Institute has the pleasure of presenting users of statistical information with its new electronic publication, Book publishing and Press 2022.
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2022.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960 - 2022, are also included. The publication includes methodology notes and a brief analysis.
Statistical Reference Book 2023
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2023 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2018 - 2022 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, fore...
Statistical Reference Book 2023 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2023 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2018 - 2022 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings ...
Statistical Yearbook 2022
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2016 - 2021 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the National Statistical ...
Book publishing and Press 2021
The National Statistical Institute has the pleasure of presenting users of statistical information with its new electronic publication, Book publishing and Press 2021.
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2021.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960 - 2021, are also included. The publication includes methodology notes and a brief analysis.
The ...
Statistical Reference Book 2022
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2017 - 2021 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2022 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2022 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2017 - 2021 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, fo...
Statistical Yearbook 2021
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2015 - 2020 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Book publishing and Press 2020
The National Statistical Institute has the pleasure to present of users on statistical information its new electronic publication Book publishing and Press 2020.
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2020.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960 - 2020, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes and...
Statistical Reference Book 2021
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2020 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2021 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2020 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agri...
Statistical Yearbook 2020
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2014 - 2019 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Statistical Yearbook 2012
Book publishing and Press 2019
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2019.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960 - 2019, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology ...
Statistical Reference Book 2020
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2019 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, ...
Statistical Reference Book 2020 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2016 - 2019 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture,...
Statistical Yearbook 2019
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2013 - 2018 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Book publishing and Press 2018
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2018.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960 - 2018, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes an...
Statistical Yearbook 2018 in infographics
In 2018, for the first time, we presented the results of the statistical surveys through graphics, images and other visualization tools, which resulted in a positive response among a wide range of users. We believe that this modern way of presenting statistical information will trigger the interest in those who for the first time encounter the meaning of numbers revealing important aspects of socio-economic life.
...Statistical Reference Book 2019
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2015 - 2018 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Reference Book 2019 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2015 - 2018 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2018
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2012 - 2017 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Book publishing and Press 2017
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2017.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1962 - 2017, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes and brief analysis.
Data are c...
Statistical Reference Book 2018
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2014 - 2017 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Yearbook 2017 in infographics
The publication is intended for a wider audience as statistical data are presented in a plain and easy understandable way.
The current state and changes in the socio-economic and cultural life in the country are presented not in the traditional way in tables and text, but through infographics - images, graphics and other visualization tools.
We belie...
Statistical Reference Book 2018 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2014 - 2017 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2017
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2012 - 2016 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Book publishing and Press 2016
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2016.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1962 - 2016, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes an...
Statistical Reference Book 2017
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2013 - 2016 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, f...
Statistical Reference Book 2017 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2013 - 2016 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2016
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2011 - 2015 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Book publishing and Press 2015
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2015.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1961 - 2015, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes and brief analysis.
Data are c...
Statistical Reference Book 2016
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2012 - 2015 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transpor...
Statistical Reference Book 2016 (Bulgarian version)
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2012 - 2015 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transp...
Statistical Yearbook 2015
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2010 - 2014 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the ...
Book publishing and Press 2014
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2014.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960 - 2014, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes and brief analysis.
Data are c...
Statistical Reference Book 2015
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2015 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2010 - 2014 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transport, c...
Statistical Reference Book 2015 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2015 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2010 - 2014 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, transport,...
Statistical Yearbook 2014
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 82nd edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed and electronic format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2009 - 2013 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Nati...
Book publishing and Press 2013
The National Statistical Institute has the pleasure to present of users on statistical information its new electronic publication Book publishing and Press 2013.
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2013.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960 - 2013, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes and brief analysis.
Statistical Reference Book 2014
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2014 in English.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2009 - 2013 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, tran...
Statistical Reference Book 2014 (Bulgarian version)
The National Statistical Institute presents to users of statistical information the annual publication - Statistical Reference Book 2014 in Bulgarian.
The Statistical Reference Book presents topical information on the demographic processes as well as the economic, social and cultural development of the Republic of Bulgaria for the 2009 - 2013 period.
The publication presents data on main macroeconomic indicators of the national economy - gross domestic product, investments and finance; and economic activity groupings - industry, agriculture, forestry, tr...
Statistical Yearbook 2013
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) has the pleasure to present to the attention of national and foreign users of statistical information the 81st edition of the ‘Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Bulgaria’ in printed and electronic format.
It provides current statistical information about the demographic, economic and social development of the country for 2008 - 2012 in different territorial and classification aggregations and breakdowns.
According to the Law on Statistics, official source of information in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Nati...
Book publishing and Press 2012
The National Statistical Institute has the pleasure to present of users on statistical information its new electronic publication Book publishing and Press 2012.
The publication contains statistical information on the development of publishing activity in Bulgaria by main indicators for 2012.
Data by some indicators, such as: titles; circulation; average circulation of books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines and bulletins for the period 1960-2012, are also included. In the publication are applied methodology notes ...