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Issued newspapers by UDC classes

Time series : Culture_1.12_en.xls

UDC classes Titles -
Appearance -
Annual circulation -
Single circulation -
Total 180 8 889 87 243 1 088
Generalities 2 5 36 9
Philosophy. Psychology 3 137 2 434 53
Religion 3 61 56 4
Social sciences 129 7 017 74 630 876
Sociology. Statistics 101 6 530 73 270 791
Politics. Economic sciences. Economics 9 85 181 34
Law. Public administration 2 122 30 0
Military art and science 2 54 198 6
Education. Teacher training 11 158 279 14
Trade, communication, transport 1 11 222 20
Ethnography. Cultural Anthropology (custom, folklore, mores, tradition) 3 57 450 12
Linguistic 1 7 3 0
Philology. Linguistics 1 7 3 0
Natural Sciences. Mathematics 3 61 56 3
Natural Sciences 3 61 56 3
Technology. Medicine. Applied sciences 23 680 3 851 101
Medicine sciences. Public health 8 209 1 127 38
Engineering. Technology. Industry, crafts and building 1 50 365 7
Agriculture. Veterinary medicine 9 338 2 212 46
Management. Administration and organization of the industry, trade and communication 5 83 147 11
Arts and recreation 7 739 5 820 30
Plastic and graphic arts. Photography 2 23 8 2
Music. Performing arts. Theatre. Film and cinema 1 47 450 10
Games and sports 4 669 5 362 19
Literature 3 97 291 6
History of literature and literature criticism 1 43 26 1
Literary texts 2 54 265 6
Geography. History 6 85 67 5
History. Biography. Genealogy. Heraldry 3 55 52 3
Geography and travel 3 30 14 1

1 Decimal Classification - a national version.