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HPI, by statistical regions, 2015 = 100

Time series : HPI_2.1_en.xls

HPI by statistical regions - 2015=1001,2
(index levels)
Code Type of purchase Statistical zones and statistical regions 2024
Q1 3
H.1. Total HPI Total 206.42
    Severna I Yugoiztochna Bulgaria 184.22
    Severozapaden 185.72
    Severen tsentralen 179.22
    Severoiztochen 201.48
    Yugoiztochen 171.88
    Yugozapadna I Yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria 221.84
    Yugozapaden 230.34
    Yuzhen tsentralen 187.38
H.1.1. New dwellings Total 191.35
    Severna I Yugoiztochna Bulgaria 160.32
    Severozapaden 120.63
    Severen tsentralen 139.94
    Severoiztochen 190.44
    Yugoiztochen 148.13
    Yugozapadna I Yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria 209.25
    Yugozapaden 216.96
    Yuzhen tsentralen 176.91
H.1.2. Existing dwellings Total 215.78
    Severna I Yugoiztochna Bulgaria 196.25
    Severozapaden 198.51
    Severen tsentralen 192.75
    Severoiztochen 207.04
    Yugoiztochen 187.11
    Yugozapadna I Yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria 229.35
    Yugozapaden 237.63
    Yuzhen tsentralen 195.45

1 Data refers to new and existing dwellings, purchased by households
2 Preliminary data
3 In compliance with the requirements of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1470 of 17 July 2023 laying down the methodological and technical specifications in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/792 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the house price index and the owner-occupied housing price index, and amending Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/1148, from the beginning of 2024 the House Price Index is calculated with weights that reflect the average annual value of housing transactions calculated from the previous year.