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Sub-sector Central Government

Time series : GFS_1.2.2_CG_en.xls

(Million Levs)
TRANSACTION   Total General public services Defence Public order and safety Economic affairs Environment protection
  ESA 2010 Code S1311 CG01 CG02 CG03 CG04 CG05
Total expenditure OTE 53 647 23 061 3 203 4 733 11 249 185
Gross capital formation + Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets P5L 4 542 264 1 361 249 1 882 28
Gross capital formation P5 4 618 279 1 361 249 1 943 28
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets NP -76 -16 M 0 -60 M
Compensation of employees D1 11 745 1 112 1 480 3 986 1 016 43
Subsidies D3 4 125 8 M 4 3 730 56
Property income D4 860 860 M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1311 D4 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1313 D4 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1314 D4 (1) 0 0 M M M M
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production D6M 1 446 M M M M M
Intermediate consumption + Other taxes on production + Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.+ Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves OEC 5 366 526 341 477 1 923 22
Intermediate consumption P2 5 341 501 341 477 1 923 22
Other taxes on production + Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.+ Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves OED 25 25 M M M M
Other current transfers D7 25 026 20 290 20 17 2 265 14
of which, payable to sub-sector S1311 D7 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1313 D7 (1) 10 215 7 014 M M 1 870 M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1314 D7 (1) 12 790 11 518 M M 318 M
Capital transfers D9 536 1 0 M 433 23
of which, payable to sub-sector S1311 D9 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1313 D9 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1314 D9 (1) M M M M M M
Final consumption expenditure P3 16 970 1 620 1 835 4 498 3 091 67
(continued and end)
(Million Levs)
TRANSACTION   Total Housing and community amenities Health Recreation, culture and religion Education Social protection
  ESA 2010 Code S1311 CG06 CG07 CG08 CG09 CG10
Total expenditure OTE 53 647 114 4 355 1 616 2 435 2 697
Gross capital formation + Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets P5L 4 542 24 370 54 299 11
Gross capital formation P5 4 618 24 370 54 299 11
Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial non-produced assets NP -76 M 0 M 0 M
Compensation of employees D1 11 745 54 1 890 329 1 603 231
Subsidies D3 4 125 M 263 29 29 6
Property income D4 860 M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1311 D4 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1313 D4 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1314 D4 (1) 0 M M M M M
Social benefits other than social transfers in kind and social transfers in kind - purchased market production D6M 1 446 M M M M 1 446
Intermediate consumption + Other taxes on production + Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.+ Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves OEC 5 366 30 1 499 156 346 49
Intermediate consumption P2 5 341 30 1 499 156 346 49
Other taxes on production + Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.+ Adjustment for the change in net equity of households in pension funds reserves OED 25 M M M M M
Other current transfers D7 25 026 4 282 1 023 158 953
of which, payable to sub-sector S1311 D7 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1313 D7 (1) 10 215 2 15 988 138 188
of which, payable to sub-sector S1314 D7 (1) 12 790 M 247 M M 707
Capital transfers D9 536 2 51 25 1 M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1311 D9 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1313 D9 (1) M M M M M M
of which, payable to sub-sector S1314 D9 (1) M M M M M M
Final consumption expenditure P3 16 970 83 3 116 479 1 904 276