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Purchasing Power Parities – Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Time series : ECP_2.1_EN.xls

Country Gross domestic product
2021 2022* 2023*
EU-27_2020 1 1 1
Euro area-20 (BE, DE, IE, GR, EE, ES, FR, IT, LV, LT, LU, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, CY, MT, SK, HR) 1.051024 1.047859 1.045257
Austria 1.129309 1.117456 1.133270
Belgium 1.128630 1.129603 1.128835
Bulgaria 1.085849 1.159884 1.180714
Germany 1.107906 1.113632 1.119298
Greece 0.816489 0.815276 0.809963
Denmark 9.858270 9.930755 9.857971
Estonia 0.837322 0.901657 0.917984
Ireland 1.178764 1.171315 1.185612
Spain 0.922559 0.908631 0.897324
Italy 0.980386 0.960268 0.961850
Cyprus 0.916581 0.917798 0.910642
Latvia 0.727599 0.766814 0.773075
Lithuania 0.689729 0.752555 0.777902
Luxembourg 1.307992 1.307171 1.315161
Malta 0.888223 0.907208 0.907936
Netherlands 1.162522 1.160909 1.175430
Poland 2.747889 2.915579 3.068560
Portugal 0.847311 0.837079 0.823105
Romania 2.590595 2.756260 2.834482
Slovakia 0.765048 0.786453 0.800236
Slovenia 0.842615 0.841515 0.861563
Hungary 232.573712 249.624909 267.643470
Finland 1.239346 1.245585 1.222032
France 1.103592 1.107792 1.092349
Croatia 4.810772 5.023497 0.683435
Czechia 19.693578 20.379507 20.309748
Sweden 13.112025 13.441957 13.510371
United Kingdom . . .
Iceland 223.538891 220.790183 221.739709
Norway 14.085536 13.608551 14.183314
Switzerland 1.656633 1.574400 1.539743
Albania 64.536045 63.489578 62.558161
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.034214 1.075306 1.073032
Republic of North Macedonia 28.110321 29.531268 31.035051
Serbia 64.447220 68.035463 71.376388
Turkiye 4.313802 7.207146 11.328738
Montenegro 0.521241 0.549148 0.562487

Source: EUROSTAT, Database:PPP domain/17.12.2024.
1 The purchasing power parities (PPPs) measure the price ratios in the partner countries and are applied to convert the economic indicators to an artificial common currency called Purchasing power standard (PPS), which equalizes the purchasing power of different national currencies, i.e. 1 PPS buys the same given average volume of goods and services in all countries, whereas different amounts of national currency units are needed to buy this volume of goods and services, depending on the national price level.
* preliminary data
. data not available