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GDP by Final Expenditure – Total of economy

GDP by Final Expenditure components current prices previous year prices at average 2020 prices** Volume index*** (corresponding quarter of previous year = 100, (%)
Fourth quarter of 2024*
(million BGN) (million BGN) (million BGN) (%)
Gross Domestic Product 57 587 54 837 40 956 104.1
Final Consumption Expenditure 44 984 43 472 32 701 104.7
Individual Consumption 39 388 38 097 28 532 105.4
of Households 33 149 31 998 24 054 105.1
of NPISH's 246 235 185 115.4
Individual of General Government 5 993 5 864 4 283 106.6
Collective 5 596 5 376 4 167 100.5
Gross Capital Formation 13 989 12 893 8 978 107.6
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 12 701 11 706 8 358 100.1
Changes in Inventories 1 288 1 187 . .
Exports of Goods and Services 27 329 27 113 20 206 98.4
Goods 20 541 20 412 14 727 101.0
Services 6 788 6 700 5 605 90.8
Imports of Goods and Services 28 715 28 641 21 082 102.2
Goods 25 030 25 028 18 103 103.0
Services 3 685 3 612 3 007 96.7
Statistical Discrepancy . . . .

* Preliminary data.
**Aggregates are non-additive.
*** The volume indices are calculated based on the values of the corresponding indicator at constant prices of 2020.