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Pension and Labour market participation - Module to the Labour Force Survey in 2023

Persons aged 50 - 74, receiving or not receiving a retirement pension, by labour status
Labour status Total Persons receiving an old age pension Persons not receiving an old age pension Unknown
Number - thous. Structure - % Number - thous. Structure - % Number - thous. Structure - % Number - thous. Structure - %
Total 2 240.3 100.0 905.5 40.4 1 326.0 59.2 8.8 0.4
Employed 1 141.3 100.0 79.8 7.0 1 057.1 92.6 (4.4) 0.4
Unemployed 44.1 100.0 (0.6) (1.4) 43.5 98.6 - -
Persons not in labour force 1 055.0 100.0 825.1 78.2 225.4 21.4 (4.4) 0.4

( ) - due to small sample figures in brackets are not reliable
Persons aged 50 - 74 years by sex, age at retirement, level of education and working status immediately (within 6 months) after retirement
Level of education
Total Stopped working Continued working without changes at work Continued working with changes at work Were not working just before retiring
Total 905.5 716.2 89.1 61.9 38.3
By sex
Male 369.1 286.6 36.9 31.5 14.1
Female 536.4 429.6 52.2 30.4 24.3
By age
Under 54 incl. 61.3 46.6 (3.2) 10.7 (0.8)
55-64 761.2 613.0 73.4 47.8 26.9
65-74 83.0 56.6 12.4 (3.4) 10.6
By level of education
Higher 186.9 137.3 33.0 14.0 (2.7)
Upper secondary 528.2 426.1 46.9 37.6 17.5
Lower secondary 190.4 152.8 9.2 10.3 18.2

( ) - due to small sample figures in brackets are not reliable
Persons aged 50 - 74 receiving a pension by sex, age at retirement, level of education and reasons to continue working immediately (up to 6 months) after retirement
Level of education
Total Financially reasons Willingness to work and social engagement Other reasons
Total 151.0 94.9 47.2 8.9
By sex
Male 68.4 44.1 20.5 (3.8)
Female 82.6 50.8 26.7 (5.1)
By age
Under 54 incl. 13.9 6.1 7.0 (0.9)
55-64 121.2 78.7 35.5 7.0
65-74 15.9 10.1 (4.7) (1.0)
By level of education
Higher 47.0 19.4 24.5 (3.1)
Upper secondary 84.6 59.2 20.2 5.2
Lower secondary 19.5 16.3 (2.6) (0.6)

( ) - due to small sample figures in brackets are not reliable
Persons aged 50 - 74 receiving a pension by sex, age at retirement, level of education and reasons to stop working immediately (within 6 months) of retirement
Level of education
Total Reaching pension eligibility Own illness or disability Other reasons
Total 716.2 656.7 30.0 29.5
By sex
Male 286.6 264.1 11.7 10.8
Female 429.6 392.6 18.3 18.7
By age
Under 54 incl. 46.6 35.0 6.8 (4.8)
55-64 613.0 569.4 19.6 24.0
65-74 56.6 52.2 (3.6) (0.7)
By level of education
Higher 137.3 127.8 (3.3) 6.1
Upper secondary 426.1 394.2 17.0 15.0
Lower secondary 152.8 134.7 9.7 8.4

( ) - due to small sample figures in brackets are not reliable