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GDP by Income approach - Total of economy

GDP - Income approach
(million BGN)
Economic sectors and economic activity groupings NACE Rev. 2 A10 Gross Value Added Compensation of employees Other taxes on production Other subsidies on production Gross operating surplus/Gross mixed income Consumption of fixed capital Net operating surplus/Net mixed income
Fourth quarter of 2024*
Agriculture, forestry and fishing A 913.034 548.620 3.192 507.541 868.763 x x
Mining and quarrying; manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities; B_E 10 066.269 4 690.652 593.611 831.321 5 613.327 x x
Construction F 1 578.245 1 082.393 5.642 0.545 490.755 x x
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles; transportation and storage; accommodation and food service activities; G_I 11 762.925 4 705.613 30.611 31.302 7 058.003 x x
Information and communication J 4 410.087 2 482.170 2.462 0.410 1 925.865 x x
Financial and insurance activities K 3 600.777 767.463 10.077 0.000 2 823.237 x x
Real estate activities L 3 806.388 196.327 15.389 0.404 3 595.076 x x
Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities; M_N 3 858.285 1 971.097 10.811 11.957 1 888.334 x x
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security; education; human health and social work activities; O_Q 8 609.445 6 307.726 2.451 17.050 2 316.318 x x
Arts, entertainment and recreation, repair of household goods and other services R_U 1 365.712 579.945 1.216 2.360 786.911 x x
Total Economic А+...+U 49 971.167 23 332.006 675.462 1 402.890 27 366.589 x x

* Preliminary data