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GDP at Market Prices per inhabitant in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS)

Time series : ECP_4.2_EN.xls

in PPS 1
Country 2021 2022* 2023*
EU-27_2020 33 180 35 984 38 132
Euro area-20 (BE, DE, IE, GR, EE, ES, FR, IT, LU, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, CY, MT, SK, LV, LT, HR) 34 598 37 577 39 809
Austria 40 185 44 286 45 733
Belgium 38 697 42 712 44 881
Bulgaria 19 757 22 452 24 336
Germany 39 886 42 369 44 246
Greece 21 245 24 099 26 359
Denmark 44 487 48 491 47 834
Estonia 28 245 30 348 30 456
Ireland 74 843 85 532 81 217
Spain 28 285 31 639 34 512
Italy 31 782 35 241 37 503
Cyprus 31 118 35 116 37 121
Latvia 23 543 24 961 26 862
Lithuania 29 261 31 655 33 034
Luxembourg 86 287 90 512 90 308
Malta 36 220 37 847 40 871
Netherlands 43 741 48 363 50 806
Poland 26 197 28 152 29 458
Portugal 24 550 27 839 30 709
Romania 24 045 26 459 29 694
Slovakia 24 496 25 651 28 145
Slovenia 29 292 32 060 35 004
Hungary 24 803 27 596 29 247
Finland 36 222 38 448 40 101
France 33 485 35 211 37 838
Croatia 23 294 25 884 28 968
Czechia 30 502 32 151 34 484
Sweden 40 015 41 449 43 352
United Kingdom . . .
Iceland 40 572 47 630 51 350
Norway 56 763 76 866 65 219
Switzerland 51 646 57 214 58 543
Albania 10 287 12 190 13 717
Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 962 12 354 13 557
Republic of North Macedonia 14 125 15 086 15 823
Serbia 14 930 16 450 18 653
Turkiye 19 990 24 510 27 462
Montenegro 15 352 17 478 19 553

Source: EUROSTAT, Database: PPP domain/ 17.12.2024.
1 (1 PPS = in national currency/euro fixed for euro-area countries)
* preliminary data
. data not available