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Purchasing Power Parities – Actual Individual Consumption (AIC)

Time series : ECP_2.2_EN.xls

(ЕС-27_2020=1) 1
Country Actual Individual Consumption
2021 2022* 2023*
EU-27_2020 1 1 1
Euro area-20 (BE, DE, IE, GR, EE, ES, FR, IT, LV, LT, LU, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, CY, MT, SK, HR) 1.059182 1.055822 1.050227
Austria 1.154096 1.150592 1.179484
Belgium 1.172550 1.195548 1.196617
Bulgaria 1.010015 1.062979 1.091595
Germany 1.081647 1.089367 1.090283
Greece 0.839180 0.843944 0.828879
Denmark 10.532678 10.917575 10.751200
Estonia 0.867171 0.942167 0.970749
Ireland 1.418612 1.420387 1.411190
Spain 0.953097 0.934391 0.910901
Italy 1.022464 1.006133 0.984244
Cyprus 0.952825 0.954124 0.950626
Latvia 0.718942 0.765544 0.771892
Lithuania 0.675452 0.745017 0.778895
Luxembourg 1.550786 1.531651 1.508316
Malta 0.922961 0.929922 0.922510
Netherlands 1.206208 1.193573 1.211136
Poland 2.594833 2.768409 2.966447
Portugal 0.864618 0.852428 0.846471
Romania 2.444493 2.622795 2.706746
Slovakia 0.761502 0.795178 0.803541
Slovenia 0.871605 0.877627 0.898786
Hungary 223.605938 242.034451 260.701385
Finland 1.285430 1.289335 1.280703
France 1.103705 1.095162 1.090813
Croatia 4.910674 5.161174 0.711897
Czechia 19.198764 20.285130 20.202929
Sweden 13.879188 13.862323 14.026050
United Kingdom . . .
Iceland 239.587500 246.822536 250.772561
Norway 15.501379 15.510539 15.345836
Switzerland 1.901245 1.832187 1.785072
Albania 66.364595 64.960191 63.374220
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.029368 1.067170 1.074879
Republic of North Macedonia 27.468781 29.100176 30.007274
Serbia 63.477088 67.000068 69.551529
Turkiye 3.859342 6.301318 9.936935
Montenegro 0.534968 0.557938 0.567693

Source: EUROSTAT, Database:PPP domain/17.12.2024.
1 The purchasing power parities (PPPs) measure the price ratios in the partner countries and are applied to convert the economic indicators to an artificial common currency called Purchasing power standard (PPS), which equalizes the purchasing power of different national currencies, i.e. 1 PPS buys the same given average volume of goods and services in all countries, whereas different amounts of national currency units are needed to buy this volume of goods and services, depending on the national price level.
* preliminary data
. data not available