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Time series : 00 Bulgaria_trend.xlsx

  2019 2020
Population on the 31st of December, total 6 951 482 6 916 548
Population on the 31st of December, male 3 369 646 3 349 715
Population on the 31st of December, female 3 581 836 3 566 833
Population on the 31st of December, 0-4 years 320 507 314 370
Population on the 31st of December, 5-14 years 681 751 684 644
Population on the 31st of December, 15-19 years 312 977 314 238
Population on the 31st of December, 20-24 years 301 636 306 421
Population on the 31st of December, 25-54 years 2 881 932 2 859 850
Population on the 31st of December, 55-64 years 948 591 932 977
Population on the 31st of December, 65-74 years 881 907 879 742
Population on the 31st of December, 75 years or over 622 181 624 306
Nationals as of 31st of December 6 833 681 6 787 926
Live births per year 61 538 59 086
Total deaths per year 108 083 124 735
Number of deaths in road accidents 628 463
Children aged 0-4 in creches and kindergartens 139 245 133 327
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), total 229 464 226 608
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), male 105 512 104 235
Students in higher education (ISCED 2011 level 6, 7, 8), female 123 952 122 373
Theatres 74 71
Museum visitors (per year) 5 354 794 2 236 031
Cinema seats (total capacity) 41 087 34 407
Cinema attendance (per year) 4 581 660 1 315 848
Number of bed-places in tourist accommodation establishments1 341 506 281 666
Total nights spent in tourist accommodation establishments1 27 154 791 11 968 483

1 Incl. categorized accommodation establishments with 10 or more beds, that were in use during the respective year.