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Tourism Satellite Accounts

Time series : TUR_4.1_en.xls

1. Inbound tourism consumption by products and categories of visitors in 20221
(Million BGN)
Products Inbound tourism expenditure
Same day visitors Tourists Total visitors
Total Consumption products 1 122.34 6 909.66 8 032.00
Tourism characteristic products 822.73 5 766.53 6 589.26
Accommodation services X 2 798.32 2 798.32
Food and beverage serving services 443.70 1 770.69 2 214.39
Passenger transport services 375.27 762.41 1 137.68
Travel agencies and other reservation services 0.31 308.90 309.21
Cultural services 0.71 31.38 32.09
Sports and recreational services 2.74 94.83 97.57
Other consumption products 299.61 1 143.13 1 442.74

1 Provisional data
2. Domestic tourism consumption, by products and categories of resident visitors in 20221
(Million BGN)
Products Domestic tourism expenditure
Same day visitors Tourists Total visitors
Total Consumption products 128.61 1 514.69 1 643.30
Tourism characteristic products 127.68 1 507.28 1 634.96
Accommodation services Х 723.30 723.30
Food and beverage serving services 78.58 601.87 680.45
Passenger transport services 45.95 150.78 196.73
Travel agencies and other reservation services 1.90 24.02 25.92
Cultural services 0.97 2.77 3.74
Sports and recreational services 0.28 4.54 4.82
Other consumption products 0.93 7.41 8.34

1 Provisional data
"x" category not available
3. Outbound tourism consumption, by products and categories of visitors in 20221
(Million BGN)
Products Outbound tourism expenditure
Same day visitors Tourists Total visitors
Total Consumption products 118.72 3 216.98 3 335.70
Tourism characteristic products 103.83 3 194.22 3 298.05
Accommodation services Х 787.91 787.91
Food and beverage serving services 58.27 1 293.06 1 351.33
Passenger transport services 42.66 971.95 1 014.61
Travel agencies and other reservation services 1.42 44.92 46.34
Cultural services 0.27 80.91 81.18
Sports and recreational services 1.21 15.47 16.68
Other consumption products 14.89 22.76 37.65

1 Provisional data
"x" category not available
4. Internal tourism consumption, by products and types of tourism in 20221
(Million BGN)
Products Visitors final consumption expenditure in cash Internal tourism consumption-total
Inbound tourism consumption Domestic tourism consumption
Total Consumption products 8 032.00 1 643.30 9 675.30
Tourism characteristic products 6 589.26 1 634.96 8 224.22
Accommodation services 2 798.32 723.30 3 521.62
Food and beverage serving services 2 214.39 680.45 2 894.84
Passenger transport services 1 137.68 196.73 1 334.41
Travel agencies and other reservation services 309.21 25.92 335.13
Cultural services 32.09 3.74 35.83
Sports and recreational services 97.57 4.82 102.39
Other consumption products 1 442.74 8.34 1 451.08

1 Provisional data