Hazardous events occurred (natural disasters, accidents and crisis)Contact |
Contact organisation | NSI |
Contact organisation unit | Regional Statistics and Geographical Information Department |
Contact name | - Arslan Ahmedov
- Maykal Gerdemski
Contact person function | - Head of department
- Senior expert
Contact mail address | 2, P. Volov Str.; 1038 Sofia, Bulgaria |
Contact email address | - [email protected]
- [email protected]
Contact phone number | - +359 02 9857 751
- +359 02 9857 488
Contact fax number | |
Metadata update |
Metadata last certified | 03 December 2024 |
Metadata last posted | 03 December 2024 |
Metadata last update | 30 November 2023 |
Statistical presentation |
Data description | The survey covers the number of crisis events that have occurred on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria during the reference year by categories, type of events and municipalities (LAU). Main indicators: - Number of events by categories and types;
- Number of casulties (human fatalities and injured individuals) - absolute figures and number per 100 000 people
- Public expenditures for hazardous events by use and source of funding - thousand BGN, thousand EUR, % of GDP
Calculation Methods - Human fatalities from hazardous events per 100 000 people - The number of human fatalities is divided by the average annual population of the respective territorial unit and multiplied by 100 000.
- Injured individuals from hazardous events per 100 000 people - The number of injured individuals is divided by the average annual population of the respective territorial unit and multiplied by 100 000.
- Expenditures for hazardous events as a percentage of GDP - Expenditures by use are divided by the country's total GDP in thousand BGN (at current prices) and multiplied by 100. GDP data is based on the revision as of October 18, 2024.
The NSI’s assessment of expenditures for hazardous events in the ‘General Government’ sector for the reference year includes the following activities from Section VI of the Unified Budget Classification (UBC): - Management of state and wartime reserves;
- Fire protection;
- Urgent activity to protect the population and the national economy;
- Defense-mobilization preparation, stockpile maintenance and capacities;
- Preventive activities to reduce the harmful consequences of disasters and accidents;
- Elimination of consequences from natural disasters and industrial accidents;
- Volunteer formations for disaster protection;
- International programs and agreements, donations, and foreign aid;
- Other activities for civil protection in the event of natural disasters and accidents;
- Geo-protection;
- Safety and storage of radioactive waste;
- Decommissioning of nuclear facilities.
In the event of an extraordinary crisis during the year, additional expenditures for these events are assessed separately, beyond the activities listed above in the UBC. |
Classification system | - Events and hazards by type (in accordance with SENDAI);
- Unified Classification of the Administrative-Territorial and Territorial Units in Bulgaria (ЕККАТЕ);
- Unified Budget Classification (UBC).
Sector coverage | Hazardous events - earthquakes, movements of land masses, volcanic activity, storms, extreme temperatures, harsh winter conditions, floods, avalanches, mudflows, droughts, fires, infectious diseases in humans and animals, including zoonoses, pest infestations, space phenomena, industrial, transport and other accidents, environmental degradation and others, including their subcategories. |
Statistical concepts and definitions | - Preparedness - activities (measures) to increase the knowledge and capabilities of government structures, organizations, communities and people, which help to anticipate, respond and eliminate the consequences of probable, inevitable, occurring or already happened disasters, achieved as a result of actions taken in advance - e.g. conducting trainings, exercises, training, purchasing equipment and personal protective equipment and others.
- Response - the actions taken immediately before, during or immediately after the disaster in order to save human life, reduce health impacts and ensure public safety and the basic needs of affected people.
- Disaster - significant disruption of the normal functioning of society, caused by natural phenomena and/or by human activity and leading to negative consequences for the life or health of the population, property, the economy and the environment, the prevention, control and overcoming of which exceeds the capacity of the service system for the usual public protection activities.
- Accident is an unpredictable or difficult to predict, limited in time and space action, with a high intensity of forces or as a result of human activity, endangering the life or health of people, property or the environment.
- Accident of a large scale involving roads, highways and air traffic, fire, destruction of hydrotechnical facilities, accidents caused by activities at sea, nuclear accidents and other environmental and industrial accidents caused by human activities or actions.
- Hazard - a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that can cause loss of human life, injury or other health effects, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption or environmental damage.
- Crisis - any situation in which a harmful event occurs, one that clearly exceeds the scale of everyday adverse events, posing a significant threat to human life and health, causing substantial property damage, or necessitating measures to supply essential goods to the population. A crisis is considered to be present when such a harmful event is deemed imminent. Armed conflicts and wars are also classified as crises.
- Prevention - organizational and physical activities (measures) aimed at avoiding or reducing the negative consequences of disasters, for example, building protective facilities, cleaning river beds and others.
- Recovery - the restoration or improvement of the livelihoods, health, economic, physical, social, cultural and natural assets, systems and activities of the population affected by the disaster in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and "build back better" to avoid or reduce future disaster risk.
Statistical unit | Occurred hazardous event - disaster, incident, accident of a large scale or crisis. |
Statistical population | An exhaustive survey among municipal administrations. All events leading to human losses and material damage that occurred on the territory of the country within the reporting year. |
Reference area | The whole territory of Republic of Bulgaria. |
Time coverage | By different methodology: - 2021 - 2023 year
- 2009 - 2020 year
- 2004 - 2008 year
Base period | Not applicable. |
Unit of measure |
- number
- thousand BGN
- thousand EUR
Reference period |
Calendar year. |
Institutional mandate |
Legal acts and other agreements | |
Data sharing | The data is provided according to the Rules for dissemination of statistical products and services. |
Confidentiality |
Confidentiality - policy | |
Confidentiality - data treatment | The dissemination of individual data is carried out only in accordance with Art. 26 of the Statistics Act. According to the Statistics Act and European legislation, individual (primary) data of budget enterprises are confidential. |
Release policy |
Release calendar | Data are published according to the Release Calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys carried out by the National Statistical Institute. |
Release calendar access | The calendar is available on the NSI website: https://www.nsi.bg/bg/node/488 |
User access | The data are published on: |
Frequency of dissemination |
Yearly. |
Accessibility and clarity |
News release | Yearly. |
Publications | - |
On-line database | https://www.nsi.bg/bg/node/19887 |
Micro-data access | Anonymized individual data (in the context of the research - at the municipal level) can be provided for scientific and research purposes upon individual request according to the Rules for provision of anonymized individual data for scientific and research purposes https://www.nsi.bg/bg/node/575/. |
Other | An information service could be provided by request, according to the NSI Rules for dissemination of statistical information products and services https://www.nsi.bg/bg/node/564/ |
Documentation on methodology | Survey methodology (Bulgarian version only) - https://www.nsi.bg/bg/node/19887 |
Quality documentation | - |
Quality management |
Quality assurance | Includes strict arithmetic and logic input control. |
Quality assessment | Standard quality assessment criteria (applicability, accuracy and reliability, timeliness, comparability and consistency) are used. |
Relevance |
User needs | Main users of statistical information from the research are: - Ministries and agencies;
- Municipalities;
- Non-governmental and scientific organizations;
- Interested parties
User satisfaction | No dedicated user satisfaction surveys has been conducted. |
Completeness | Not applicable. |
Accuracy and reliability |
Overall accuracy | The statistics have good accuracy and reliability. |
Sampling error | The survey is exhaustive and no sampling errors exist. |
Non-sampling error | Not applicable. |
Timeliness and punctuality |
Timeliness | Data are published according to the Release Calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys carried out by the National Statistical Institute. |
Punctuality | |
Coherence and comparability |
Comparability - geographical | Data are comparable at all territorial levels. |
Comparability - over time | Partially limited, which is due to the use of different methodologies over the years. |
Coherence - cross domain | Data consistency is ensured for: fires, road, railway, aviation and maritime accidents, infectious diseases (deaths and mortality by causes) and landslides. |
Coherence - internal | Internal coherence is ensured by applying strict validation rules. |
Cost and burden |
NSI makes the necessary efforts to reduce the workload of the respondents. The online based Information system “Business statistics” maintained by NSI and the methodological and technical assistance provided to the respondents during the reporting campaign were highly appreciated by them and helped to reduce their workload. |
Data revision |
Data revision - policy | National policy allows the revision of already published data if there are serious reasons for doing so. |
Data revision - practice | Revised data replaces already published data as soon as possible after the revision is made. |
Statistical processing |
Source data | - Municipal administrations;
- For road accidents - Ministry of Interior;
- For railway accidents - National Railway Infrastructure Company;
- For aviation and maritime accidents - National Board for aircraft, maritime and railway accident investigation;
- For fires - AIS ‘Accidents - fire safety and civil protection’ of the Ministry of the Interior;
- For landslides - Register of landslide areas, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works;
- For infectious diseases (for 2021 and 2022) - survey ‘Deaths and mortality by causes’ of NSI;
- For extreme temperatures – estimates by NSI, based on data from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology
- For hazardous events with a declared state of emergency - General Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection, Ministry of Interior;
- Financial data on public expenditures - NSI’s ‘Public sector expenditures’ study, based on data from the Ministry of Finance;
- Annual report on the implementation of the state budget, Ministry of Finance;
- Law on the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Frequency of data collection | Yearly. |
Data collection | The data is collected using the statistical form "Report on natural disasters, accidents and crisis" on paper and/or by entering the information online in the "Business Statistics" Information System of NSI. Respondents are the municipal administrations. Data from NSI’s surveys, specialized administrative sources of the Ministry of the Interior, National Railway Infrastructure Company, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, National Board for aircraft, maritime and railway accident investigation and National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. |
Data validation | Data validation is done through: - arithmetic and logic control of input data;
- a comparability check against the data collected from the additional sources of information.
Data compilation | Observation is exhaustive and no further evaluation of the data is done. |
Adjustment | |
Comment |
Events occurring at a nationwide scale, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, are considered a singular event for the country but are still counted in each district (NUTS3). Statistical reports on the activity of budget enterprises and banks for the year 2022: Report No. 13: Report on disasters, accidents, incidents and crises that occurred in 2022. (Bulgarian language version only) |