Business Register
- Business Demography
- Family business statistics
- Annual data by economic activity
- Annual data by statistical districts and statistical regions
- Business Demography
Business Demography for 2022
In 2022, the number of active enterprises in Bulgaria was 394 135, which is 3.2% more compared to the previous year, 2021. The newborn enterprises are 39 445, or 10.0% of the total number of enterprises in the selected economic sectors. Almost 83.1% of the enterprises born in 2021 survive one year later, as in the group of ‘5 - 9 employees’ this share is highest - 93.9%.
...Business Demography for 2021
In 2021, the number of active enterprises in Bulgaria was 381 457, which is 4.8% less compared to the previous year, 2020. The newborn enterprises are 37 898, or 9.9% of the total number of enterprises in the selected economic sectors. Almost 79.4% of the enterprises born in 2020 survive one year later, as in the group of ‘1 - 4 employees’ this share is highest - 89.8%.
...Business Demography for 2020
Business demography statistics present data on the active population of enterprises, enterprise births, enterprise survivals (followed up to five years after birth), enterprise deaths, and high-growth enterprises.
The term business demography is used to cover a set of variables which explain the characteristics and demography of the business population. For each business demographic event, NACE Rev.2 activity, employment and legal form are available.
...Business Demography for 2019
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises - their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises, number of dead enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography for 2018
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography by 31st of December 2017
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on employment figure’s changes at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography by 31st of December 2016
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography by 31st of December 2015
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography by 31st of December 2014
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography (by 31st of December 2013)
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography (by 31st of December 2012)
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography (As of 31st of December 2011)
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...Business Demography (By 31st of December 2010)
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.
...‘Access to finance’ survey - results for Bulgaria
‘Access to finance’ survey for small and medium-sized enterprises was held in 2010 from all EU member states, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 97/2009, jointly by the European Commission, European Central Bank and National Statistical Institutes.
...Business Demography (By 31st of December 2009)
Business Demography (By December 31, 2008)
Similar to statistics of human population, business demography describes the life cycle of the enterprises; their birth, survival and development until death. More specifically business demography supplies data on number of active enterprises, number of newborn enterprises, proportion of survived enterprises and data on changes in employment figures at specific moment in time.