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Business survey in trade (NACE Rev. 2)

Time series : TRG_KID_en.xls

Name of indicators    
Present business situation balance 35.1
Volume of sales over the last 3 months balance 19.1
Competition in the branch over the last 3 months balance 10.3
Level of stocks balance 4.2
Present tendency in selling prices balance 9.7
Expected business situation over the next 6 months balance 13.3
Expectations about the orders placed with suppliers over the next 3 months balance 13.5
Sales expectations over the next 3 months balance 14.9
Selling prices expectations over the next 3 months balance 8.4
Employment expectations over the next 3 months balance 17.7
Uncertainty in the future development of the business situation in retail trade balance -4.4
Business climate in retail trade % 23.7
Retail trade confidence indicator % 9.9
Factors limiting the activity of retail trade enterprises:    
Demand % 27.6
Supply % 8.3
Competition in the branch % 35.0
Financial problems % 6.3
Uncertain economic environment % 51.1
Shortage of labour % 45.1
Shortage of space (commercial and/or storage) % 3.3
Others % 8.2
No difficulties % 13.4