Statistical data
- Business statistics
- Demographic and social statistics
- Key Indicators
- Macroeconomic statistics
- Employment and Hours worked - by Regions
- Employment and Hours worked - total of the economy
- Financial national accounts
- Government Finance Statistics
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Gross National Income (GNI)
- Housing price statistics
- Inflation and Consumer Price Indices
- National accounts - quality reports for the ESA 2010 Data Transmission Programme
- Non-financial national accounts by institutional sectors
- Pension entitlements in social insurance
- Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) - European and International Comparisons Programme
- Supply Use Tables
- Environment and Energy
- Regional statistics and indicators for monitoring
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Tax statistics
Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria, June 2009
The number of the trips of Bulgarian residents travelling abroad was 485 892 in June 2009, which was 10.8% less than the number of the trips in June 2008.
The number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 957 271 in June 2009, or 12.7% less than the number of trips in the same month of 2008.
Railway Transport, June 2009
In June 2009 the goods carried by the railway transport increased by 4.9% in comparison with the previous month, while in comparison with June 2008 a drop by 40.3% is registered. The decrease of the passengers carried in the passenger transport is 4.7%, while in comparison with the same month of the previous year it is by - 10.3%.
Construction Production Indices in May 2009
Preliminary data for May 2009 indicated that construction production was 10.4% below the level in April 2009.
Industrial Production and Industrial Turnover Indexes, May 2009
In May 2009, by preliminary data Industrial Production Index decreased by 1.0 per cent as compared to the previous month, compared to the same month of 2008 industrial production decreased by 22.1 per cent. In May 2009 Industrial Turnover Index decreased by 1.6 per cent as compared to the previous month, compared to May 2008 Industrial Turnover decreased by 24.0 per cent.
Housing Stock as of 31.12.2008
In 2008 the housing fund in Bulgaria consisted of 2 134 thousand residential buildings and increased by 0.1% in comparison with 2007. Total in the country were registered 3 767 thousand dwellings, 63.5% of them were located in the towns and 36.5% in the villages.
Producer Price Indexes in Industry, May 2009
Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in May 2009 increased by 0.3 per cent compared to the previous month, compared to the same month of 2008 decreased by 3.2%. Total Producer Price Index increased by 0.7 per cent compared with April 2009, compared to May 2008 decreased by 6.7 per cent.
Business Conjuncture, June 2009
In June 2009 the business inquiries of NSI register a decrease of the total business climate indicator of 1.1 percentage points in comparison with May. The business climate indicator decreases in all the branches with the exception of the service sector.
Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria, May 2009
In May 2009 the trips of Bulgarian residents abroad were 493 228 and decreased by 6.4% in comparison with May 2008. Arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria in May 2009 were 558 295 and decreased by 10.1% in comparison with the same month of 2008.
Railway Transport, May 2009
In May 2009 the goods carried by the railway transport decreased by 7.1% in comparison with the previous month, while the passengers carried increased by 7.8%.