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Statistical data


Newly Built Residential Buildings and Dwellings Completed in the First Quarter of 2020 (preliminary data)

Friday, 8 May 2020 - 11:00

According to preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute in the first quarter of 2020 the number of newly built residential buildings was 751 and the newly built dwellings in them were 3 473. Compared to the first quarter of 2019 the buildings were by 86 more (or by 12.9%) and the newly built dwellings in them increased by 876 or by 33.7%.

Statistical domain

Construction Production Indices in March 2020

Friday, 8 May 2020 - 11:00

According to the preliminary data, in March 2020 the index of production in section ‘Construction’ calculated on the base of seasonally adjusted data was 11.2% below the level of the previous month. In March 2020 the working day adjusted index of production in construction decreased by 14.0% in comparison with the same month of 2019.

Turnover Indices in 'Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles' in March 2020

Friday, 8 May 2020 - 11:00

According to the preliminary seasonally adjusted data in March 2020 the turnover in ‘Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles’ at constant prices went down by 18.1% compared to the previous month.

Building Permits Issued and Construction of New Buildings Started in the First Quarter of 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020 - 11:00

In the first quarter of 2020, the municipal authorities issued building permits for construction of 1 351 residential buildings with 6 317 dwellings, of 22 administrative buildings/offices and 883 other buildings. The construction of 847 residential buildings with 4 454 dwellings, of 12 administrative buildings/offices and 545 other buildings was started.

Production and Deliveries of Energy Products, February 2020

Thursday, 30 April 2020 - 11:00

In February 2020 compared to January 2020 an increase is reported for the production of solid fuels - by 2.6%. During the same period, a decrease is reported for the production of unleaded motor gasoline - by 7.4%, transport diesel - by 1.2%, natural gas - by 16.7% and electricity - by 4.5%. No change for the production of liquefied petroleum gases.

In February 2020 compared to January 2020 an increase is reported for the deliveries of solid fuels - by 2.8%. During the same period, a decrease is reported for the deliveries of liquefied petroleum gases - by 20.9%, unleaded motor gasoline - by 30.0%, transport diesel - by 16.2%, natural gas - by 12.2% and electricity - by 13.0%.

Statistical domain

Producer Price Indices in Industry, March 2020

Thursday, 30 April 2020 - 11:00

Total Producer Price Index in March 2020 decreased by 2.1% compared to the previous month; compared to the same month of 2019 the prices fell by 1.5%. Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in March 2020 decreased by 1.3% compared to the previous month; compared to the same month of 2019 the domestic prices grew by 1.7%.

Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria in March 2020

Thursday, 30 April 2020 - 11:00

In March 2020, a decline in the trips of Bulgarian citizens abroad and the visits of foreigners to Bulgaria was registered due to the suspension of international flights and the closure of the land borders because of the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

In March 2020, the number of the trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 230.7 thousand or by 51.8% under the registered in March 2019.

In March 2020, the number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 312.8 thousand or by 43.7% less in comparison with March 2019.

Statistical domain

Business Conjuncture, April 2020

Thursday, 30 April 2020 - 11:00

In the context of state of emergency in the country in April 2020, the NSI business surveys indicate a deterioration of business conjuncture in all observed sectors. The total business climate indicator drops by 41.7 percentage points compared to its level from the previous month, which is with 37.0 percentage points below the long-term average for the last l0 years, and with 4.4 percentage points above the long-term minimum registered in February 1997.

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