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Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income of Insurance companies

Time series : FS_2.1.2_en.xls

Thousand BGN
Technical account - Non-life insurance
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 2 715 977
of which:  
Gross premiums written 3 897 909
Outward reinsurance premiums 851 102
Allocated investment return transferred from the non-technical account 0
Other technical income, net of reinsurance 28 294
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 1 309 344
Changes in other insurance reserves, net of reinsurance, not shown under other headings 12 161
Bonuses and rebatesand, and participation in the positive financial result , net of reinsurance 11 761
Net operating expenses 1 090 722
Other technical charges, net of reinsurance 36 140
Change in the equalization provision 0
Sub-total (balance on the technical account for non-life insurance ) 284 143
Technical account - Life assurance business
Earned premiums, net of reinsurance 439 969
of which:  
Gross premiums written 487 956
Outward reinsurance premiums 42 135
Investment income 83 418
Other technical income, net of reinsurance 34 403
Claims incurred, net of reinsurance 159 462
Change in other insurance reserves, net of reinsurance, not shown under other headings 24 264
Bonuses and rebatesand, and participation in the positive financial result , net of reinsurance ..
Net opereting expenses 219 434
Investment charges 45 975
Other technical charges, net of reinsurance ..
Allocated investment return transferred to the non-technical account 0
Transfer to or from the Fund for future distribution 0
Sub-total (balance on the technical account for life assurance business) 87 620
Non-technical account
Balance on the technical account - non-life insurance 284 143
Balance on the technical account - life assurance business 87 620
Investment income 152 708
Allocated investment return, transferred from the life assurance technical account 0
Investment charges 75 145
Allocated investmen return, transferred to the non-life insurance technical account 0
Other income 82 293
Other charges, including value adjustments 208 637
Tax on profit or loss on ordinary activities 322 982
Extraordinary income ..
Extraordinary charges 1 292
Extraordinary profit or loss ..
Corporate tax 29 863
Other taxes ..
Profit or loss for the financial year 306 616

* Preliminary data
'..' Confidential data