At the National Statistical Institute, according to preliminary data, 45 licensed insurers, 10 pension companies and 28 supplementary pension funds managed by them, as well as 16 funds for making payments, 251 special investment purpose companies and 9 967 associations and foundations have submitted their annual reports for 2021.
Insurance companies
The insurance companies realised turnover[1] of 3 290 million BGN in 2021, with the data coming from a total of 45 licensed insurers that submitted an annual report on their activity to the National Statistical Institute (NSI), with a balance value of assets as of 31.12.2021 of 8 590 million BGN.
In 2021, the insurance companies reported a positive financial result of their activity of 239 million BGN. In the life insurance sector, a profit of 52 million BGN was realised, while in the non-life insurance sector the profit reached 187 million BGN.
Pension Companies and Pension Funds
In 2021, 10 pension companies have been active, with a balance value of assets as of 31.12.2021 of 538 million BGN.
The operating income of pension companies for 2021 was 332 million BGN and the realised profit amounted to 73 million BGN.
For the reference year 2021, 28 supplementary pension funds have submitted annual reports for their activity at the NSI, as well as 16 funds for making payments. The balance value of assets of supplementary pension insurance funds as of 31.12.2021 was 19 618 million BGN and the investments reached 17 745 million BGN. The balance value of assets of pension payment funds as of 31.12.2021 was 13 million BGN, and the investments reached 3 million BGN.
As of 31.12.2021, the total number of insured persons in pension funds was 4 849 242 and the gross receipts from contributions were 2 042 million BGN.
Special Investment Purpose Companies
For the reference 2021, at the NSI, there were submitted 251 annual reports by special investment purpose companies, with a total balance value of their assets as of 31.12.2021 of 12 273 million BGN. Foreign assets received (securities and cash to customers) amounted to 7 493 million BGN.
The financial income of special investment purpose companies for 2021 at current prices totalled 1 628 million BGN and the financial result for the year was a profit of 266 million BGN.
Associations and Foundations
According to preliminary data, the number of associations and foundations that have submitted annual reports for 2021 at the NSI was 9 967. The balance value of their assets as of 31.12.2021 amounted to 1 417 million BGN.
The members of associations and foundations as of 31.12.2021 were 2 319 255, of which 190 450 were legal entities and 2 128 805 were individuals. The working volunteers were 48 151, as they worked a total of 1 876 384 hours.
[1] The turnover includes the gross premiums earned in the current accounting year.