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Tangible fixed assets

Time series : NF_Ent1.3_en.xls

Tangible fixed assets in non-financial enterprises by size of enterprises in terms of employed and economic activity groupings
(Thousand Levs)
Economic activity groupings 2023
Total Size of enterprises by number of employed
Up to 9 10 - 49 50 - 249 250+
Total 140 862 830 48 326 903 24 289 951 20 366 885 47 879 091
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 11 207 099 4 456 028 4 597 843 1 403 152 750 076
Mining and quarrying 1 381 536 116 127 131 039 176 585 957 785
Manufacturing 20 824 216 1 908 551 4 619 075 6 524 604 7 771 986
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 17 214 309 5 633 454 821 697 492 890 10 266 268
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 1 391 870 114 241 164 445 311 655 801 529
Construction 7 287 981 3 643 773 1 665 271 1 527 130 451 807
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 16 351 438 4 331 106 4 249 821 3 315 208 4 455 303
Transportation and storage 21 543 706 1 549 995 1 606 666 1 676 603 16 710 442
Accommodation and food service activities 7 552 638 1 830 688 1 655 739 2 761 749 1 304 462
Information and communication 3 798 719 553 872 786 820 367 049 2 090 978
Real estate activities 21 893 298 18 804 468 2 306 927 .. ..
Professional, scientific and technical activities 2 774 701 1 961 618 448 902 315 372 48 809
Administrative and support service 3 413 213 2 244 105 677 706 268 152 223 250
Education 161 662 79 045 26 667 .. ..
Human health and social work activities 2 294 742 407 755 239 898 381 781 1 265 308
Arts, entertainment and recreation 1 393 918 366 520 251 251 351 147 425 000
Other service activities 377 784 325 557 40 184 12 043 -

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