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Employed in enterprises

Time series : NF_Ent1.2_en.xls

Employed in non-financial enterprises by size of enterprises in terms of employed and economic activity groupings
Economic activity groupings 2023
Total Size of enterprises by number of employed
Up to 9 10 - 49 50 - 249 250+
Total 2 220 451 730 105 484 802 441 695 563 849
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 109 990 64 673 26 597 8 209 10 511
Mining and quarrying 18 666 456 1 614 2 874 13 722
Manufacturing 483 431 56 206 104 906 145 364 176 955
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 33 053 5 226 1 467 2 350 24 010
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 31 429 1 496 3 694 6 219 20 020
Construction 149 462 45 988 51 475 40 827 11 172
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 492 368 231 231 118 739 74 154 68 244
Transportation and storage 161 586 43 934 33 746 25 939 57 967
Accommodation and food service activities 132 419 50 383 44 961 28 732 8 343
Information and communication 142 956 26 216 24 021 33 091 59 628
Real estate activities 41 427 30 987 7 060 .. ..
Professional, scientific and technical activities 121 310 74 337 20 709 12 539 13 725
Administrative and support service 107 028 18 673 19 506 24 755 44 094
Education 13 305 7 127 3 447 .. ..
Human health and social work activities 113 720 26 669 14 471 23 464 49 116
Arts, entertainment and recreation 26 827 8 317 5 752 7 553 5 205
Other service activities 41 474 38 186 2 637 651 -

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