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Time series : NF_Ent1.4_en.xls

Revenues of non-financial enterprises by size of enterprises in terms of employed and economic activity groupings
(Thousand Levs)
Economic activity groupings 2023
Total Size of enterprises by number of employed
Up to 9 10 - 49 50 - 249 250+
Total 529 691 612 131 639 883 124 778 140 121 058 336 152 215 253
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 15 779 036 7 315 529 5 468 900 2 139 436 855 171
Mining and quarrying 4 602 496 131 970 355 143 396 527 3 718 856
Manufacturing 107 742 228 4 893 892 13 396 875 27 227 031 62 224 430
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 42 121 781 5 673 992 13 818 481 9 490 132 13 139 176
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 3 412 431 380 419 858 557 694 673 1 478 782
Construction 32 376 719 11 411 026 7 860 559 9 458 975 3 646 159
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 212 606 640 63 153 272 59 937 932 51 152 606 38 362 830
Transportation and storage 27 103 023 7 798 907 5 853 815 5 339 031 8 111 270
Accommodation and food service activities 9 588 583 2 775 905 3 386 098 2 651 562 775 018
Information and communication 25 270 100 5 684 297 3 683 896 4 758 043 11 143 864
Real estate activities 8 808 988 7 246 477 1 135 102 .. ..
Professional, scientific and technical activities 14 954 028 8 577 897 3 459 303 1 709 393 1 207 435
Administrative and support service 8 570 656 2 888 993 2 403 456 1 352 170 1 926 037
Education 688 480 287 213 172 125 .. ..
Human health and social work activities 8 944 322 1 570 482 1 191 957 1 837 452 4 344 431
Arts, entertainment and recreation 5 834 691 757 661 1 652 064 2 235 028 1 189 938
Other service activities 1 287 410 1 091 951 143 877 51 582 -

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