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Economic activities

Time series : Labour_4.2.1.1_EN.xls

Number of employees, average gross and net hourly earnings and average gross overtime hourly earnings in October 2022 by gender and economic activities - total full-time and part-time employees
Economic activities (NACE Rev. 2) Employees Gross hourly earnings Coefficient of variation Median Net hourly earnings Gross overtime hourly earnings
Males and females
Total 2 317 407 10.14 0.20 7.13 8.02 15.77
Mining and quarrying 18 360 14.25 0.86 14.70 11.13 23.80
Manufacturing 467 784 8.72 0.36 6.82 6.82 13.10
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 30 362 16.31 1.41 13.82 12.93 22.20
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 37 359 7.57 1.07 6.36 5.89 11.82
Construction 139 663 7.89 1.23 4.74 6.18 12.18
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 392 623 8.11 0.60 5.14 6.33 15.56
Transportation and storage 153 195 8.44 0.79 5.70 6.60 13.69
Accommodation and food service activities 111 604 6.36 0.84 4.88 5.01 9.77
Information and communication 128 853 23.73 0.61 19.24 19.38 38.83
Financial and insurance activities 58 205 13.16 0.93 10.42 10.39 24.18
Real estate activities 25 446 9.17 2.52 5.71 7.22 9.93
Professional, scientific and technical activities 91 136 12.59 1.03 8.82 10.01 24.50
Administrative and support service activities 120 366 8.81 0.98 5.22 6.93 9.67
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 111 229 11.75 0.59 9.86 9.97 20.96
Education 173 341 11.37 0.34 11.13 8.84 11.65
Human health and social work activities 176 874 10.89 0.71 8.39 8.53 16.75
Arts, entertainment and recreation 37 798 8.23 1.60 6.44 6.43 14.56
Other service activities 43 209 7.11 1.14 4.94 5.46 12.90
Total 1 133 132 10.82 0.32 6.99 8.60 16.69
Mining and quarrying 15 281 14.60 0.92 15.09 11.40 24.52
Manufacturing 246 553 9.79 0.51 7.78 7.68 14.88
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 23 745 16.26 1.61 13.79 12.88 22.16
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 25 158 7.77 1.01 6.55 6.04 11.93
Construction 119 606 7.71 1.33 4.61 6.03 12.02
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 181 630 8.71 1.00 5.19 6.84 14.82
Transportation and storage 112 333 8.44 1.00 5.24 6.60 14.12
Accommodation and food service activities 42 643 6.72 1.60 4.91 5.29 11.50
Information and communication 78 213 26.68 0.78 22.06 21.96 41.03
Financial and insurance activities 18 016 15.73 1.72 12.72 12.54 29.10
Real estate activities 12 920 9.74 3.54 5.95 7.68 11.37
Professional, scientific and technical activities 37 783 14.23 1.71 9.51 11.40 25.49
Administrative and support service activities 76 733 8.27 1.32 4.98 6.52 9.35
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 38 052 12.54 1.06 10.43 10.64 20.00
Education 33 972 11.44 0.89 10.82 8.90 11.27
Human health and social work activities 39 431 12.98 1.62 9.00 10.26 19.86
Arts, entertainment and recreation 17 289 9.00 2.92 6.53 7.09 14.35
Other service activities 13 775 7.27 1.96 4.99 5.62 (12.86)
Total 1 184 275 9.49 0.24 7.19 7.47 14.60
Mining and quarrying 3 079 12.49 2.33 11.81 9.76 17.18
Manufacturing 221 231 7.53 0.45 6.06 5.86 10.99
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 6 617 16.49 2.99 14.05 13.09 22.47
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 12 201 7.16 2.62 5.84 5.57 10.96
Construction 20 057 8.98 3.15 5.94 7.05 13.33
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 210 994 7.60 0.66 5.09 5.90 16.03
Transportation and storage 40 862 8.45 1.10 6.30 6.60 11.48
Accommodation and food service activities 68 962 6.14 0.89 4.85 4.83 8.49
Information and communication 50 641 19.17 0.88 16.83 15.40 34.63
Financial and insurance activities 40 189 12.01 1.03 9.88 9.43 21.75
Real estate activities 12 526 8.58 3.55 5.60 6.74 (8.02)
Professional, scientific and technical activities 53 353 11.43 1.21 8.20 9.03 23.06
Administrative and support service activities 43 632 9.77 1.42 6.08 7.67 10.94
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 73 177 11.33 0.69 9.64 9.62 21.75
Education 139 369 11.35 0.36 11.20 8.82 11.74
Human health and social work activities 137 442 10.29 0.76 8.22 8.04 15.55
Arts, entertainment and recreation 20 509 7.58 1.18 6.33 5.88 14.79
Other service activities 29 434 7.03 1.39 4.93 5.39 /

* Preliminary data
Explanatory notes:
1. Economic activities covered: NACE Rev.2 sections B – S, including section O
2. Size of enterprises covered: enterprises with 1 or more employees
3. Categories of employees covered: all employees with earnings during October 2022
4. Coefficients of variations (relative standard error) relate to the total gross earnings
5. Symbols:
( )  - data are considered relatively representative
/  - data are not considered representative
0  - less than half of unit employed