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Unemployment trap

Time series : Labour_2.3.3_EN.xls

(Per cent)
  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Umeployment trap 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4

Explanatory notes:
Unemployment trap % = 100 * ( 1 - ((NI in work) - (NI out of work))/GE)
Net income (NI) in work - net income of the person when in employment, calculated by deducting from annual gross earnings of the employee's social security contributions and income taxes, and adding social assistance, housing benefits (if applicable) and in-work benefits (if applicable).
Net income (NI) out of work - net income of the person while unemployed, calculated as total of unempoyment benefit, social assistance, housing benefits (if applicable) and in-work benefits (if applicable).
Gross earnings (GE) - gross earnings, calculated as 67% of AW.
AW - average worker, working at full-time and receiving the average gross earnings in industries and services - sections B to N of NACE Rev. 2.