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Issued original and translation literature by UDC classes

Time series : Culture_1.06_en.xls

UDC classes Total Original Тranslated
Titles -
Circulation -
Titles -
Circulation -
Titles -
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Total 10 361 5 357 7 673 3 459 2 688 1 898
Generalities 917 564 538 254 379 310
Philosophy. Psychology 520 279 291 150 229 128
Religion 281 219 152 130 129 89
Social sciences 1 718 1 245 1 621 1 187 97 58
Sociology. Statistics 123 40 106 27 17 13
Politics. Economic sciences. Economics 452 100 406 71 46 29
Law. Public administration 247 59 242 57 5 2
Military art and science 120 24 110 19 10 5
Social relief and welfare 38 5 37 5 1 0
Education. Teacher training 682 993 668 987 14 6
Trade, communication, transport 1 1 1 1 - -
Ethnography. Cultural Anthropology (custom, folklore, mores, tradition) 55 23 51 21 4 2
Linguistic 219 71 215 70 4 1
Philology. Linguistics 219 71 215 70 4 1
Natural Sciences. Mathematics 289 130 268 108 21 22
Mathematics 65 21 63 16 2 4
Natural Sciences 224 110 205 92 19 18
Technology. Medicine. Applied sciences 1 027 277 882 191 145 86
Medicine sciences. Public health 522 181 411 114 111 66
Engineering. Technology. Industry. Crafts and Building 181 23 175 21 6 2
Agriculture. Veterinary medicine 95 18 89 15 6 4
Domestic science and community services 74 34 58 21 16 13
Management. Administration and organization of the industry, trade and communication 155 21 149 19 6 2
Arts and recreation 616 222 513 152 103 69
Physical planning. Town and country planning. Architecture 35 7 32 6 3 1
Plastic and graphic arts. Photography 233 93 164 48 69 44
Music. Performing arts. Theatre. Film and cinema 192 70 176 56 16 14
Games and sports 156 53 141 42 15 11
Literature 4 112 2 119 2 607 1 016 1 505 1 103
History of literature and literature criticism 169 51 161 48 8 2
Literary texts 3 943 2 069 2 446 968 1 497 1 101
Geography. History 662 231 586 199 76 31
Geography and travel 35 11 35 11 - -
History. Biography. Ggenealogy. Heraldry 627 220 551 189 76 31