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Publishing Production in 2023 (Published Books and Pamphlets and Continuing Editions)

Published at: 27.06.2024 - 11:00

In Bulgaria during 2023, 10 361 books and pamphlets were published, which is with 1 467 less than the previous year. The highest number was fiction for adults - 2 995 titles, followed by scientific literature - 2 136. The titles of translated publications were 2 688. More than half of them were translated from English (57.7%), followed by the editions from French - 8.4%, German - 5.9% and Russian - 5.9%. The highest number of books and pamphlets being published was in Sofia (stolitsa) district - 6 887, followed by Plovdiv (756) and Varna (625) districts.

In 2023, 180 newspapers were issued, of which 21 - daily newspapers, and compared to the previous year, their number decreased by 11 and 4. The highest number of newspapers issued was in Sofia (stolitsa) district - 45.6% of all editions. In 2023, were published 428 magazines and 47 bulletins, and in comparison with 2022, the number of magazines decreased by 14, and the number of bulletins also decreased by 14.

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