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Time series : NF_Ent2.5_en.xls

Expenditure of non-financial enterprises by size of enterprises in terms of employed and statistical regions
(Thousand Levs)
Statistical regions 2023
Total Size of enterprises by number of employed
Up to 9 10 - 49 50 - 249 250+
Total 489 747 456 117 548 639 116 544 348 113 600 712 142 053 757
Severna i Yugoiztochna Bulgaria 156 631 703 39 224 970 37 135 738 38 419 490 41 851 505
Severozapaden 21 940 412 5 533 446 5 282 440 4 684 730 6 439 796
Severen tsentralen 38 502 840 7 670 217 7 857 143 14 845 780 8 129 700
Severoiztochen 42 946 855 12 383 274 12 253 561 10 212 057 8 097 963
Yugoiztochen 53 241 596 13 638 033 11 742 594 8 676 923 19 184 046
Yugozapadna i Yuzhna tsentralna Bulgaria 333 115 753 78 323 669 79 408 610 75 181 222 100 202 252
Yugozapaden 269 105 009 62 434 366 63 324 236 59 579 131 83 767 276
Yuzhen tsentralen 64 010 744 15 889 303 16 084 374 15 602 091 16 434 976