National road network
Contact | |
Contact organisation | National Statistical Institute |
Contact organisation unit | „Short-term business statistics and transport statistics “ Department |
Contact name | Rositsa Ivancheva |
Contact person function | Chief expert |
Contact mail address | 2, P.Volov Str. Sofia 1038, Bulgaria |
Contact email address |
Contact phone number | +359 2 9857 101 |
Contact fax number | |
Metadata update | |
Metadata last certified | 04 September 2023 |
Metadata last posted | 04 September 2023 |
Metadata last update | 04 September 2023 |
Statistical presentation | |
Data description | Data on national road network refers to:
Classification system | · The classification of National roads is made by conditions and order set by the Council of Ministers; · Glossary for transport statistics· Classification of Territorial Units for Statistical Purposes in Bulgaria - NUTS ; · Glossary for transport statistics - - Geneva 2003. |
Sector coverage | The National road network (NRN) ensures the connections between the built-up areas in the country and those with other countries for transport of goods and passengers. National roads are classified according to their administrative and economic importance and functions for the transport system in the following classes: motorways and roads of the first, second and third class, which ensure national significance transport connections and give the length of the state road network. Separate national roads are included in the Trans-European road network.
Statistical concepts and definitions | According to road category NRN includes: Motorways - roads designed exclusively for high-speed vehicular traffic. They have separate carriageways for traffic in each direction with a dividing strip between them, emergency stopping lane and crossing other roads or railroads at a different level. The maximum speed is 140 km / h. I-st category roads –designed for transit traffic on big distances /mainly from border to border/. They service big territories and coincide with the major transport fluxes in the country. II-nd category roads - designed for transit traffic on medial distances. They have distributing functions and provide optimal routes for transit traffic to different country regions. III-rd category roads - roads within the boundaries of built-up areas that are part from roads higher category. Ensure the connection between the different municipalities as well those to local roads. According to type of pavement: Bituminized road surface - for all types of traffic; Cobblestones - often used for roads with major traffic; Crushed stones - used for local roads with light traffic; Coarse aggregate - used for local roads with very light traffic. Unpaved roads. Usually these are forest, tractor and cart roads without a special coating.
Statistical unit | Source of data is "Road Infrastructure" Agency. Data are transmitted annually. |
Statistical population | The survey is exhaustive. |
Reference area | For the Republic of Bulgaria. |
Time coverage | Since 1995. |
Base period | Not applicable. |
Unit of measure | |
Kilometres | |
Reference period | |
Annual | |
Institutional mandate | |
Legal acts and other agreements | · Law on roads (29.03.200) SG, issue 26/2000 (last amended, SG issue 53 from 13.07.2012); · Regulation for implementation of Law on roads (Decree No 245 of Council of Ministers from 24.11.200) in force from 01.12.2000. |
Data sharing | Not applicable. |
Confidentiality | |
Confidentiality - policy | Data are published aggregated by districts and are not confidential. |
Confidentiality - data treatment | Not applicable. |
Release policy | |
Release calendar | Data are published according to the deadlines set in the Release calendar - 6 months after the reference period. |
Release calendar access | The calendar is available on the NSI website: |
User access | Data are published on the Internet site of NSI and can be accessed from all users of statistical information. |
Frequency of dissemination | |
Annual | |
Accessibility and clarity | |
News release | Not applicable. |
Publications | · Statistical Yearbook; · Statistical Reference Book; · "Bulgaria" (brochure); . International questionnaries. |
On-line database | Data on National road network are available to all users of the NSI website under the heading Domain statistics - Transport and Communications - Other annual data - Transport: |
Micro-data access | Not applicable. |
Other | Not applicable. |
Documentation on methodology | · Law on roads (29.03.200) SG, issue 26/2000 (last amended, SG issue 53 from 13.07.2012); · Regulation for implementation of Law on roads (Decree No 245 of Council of Ministers from 24.11.200) in force from 01.12.2000. |
Quality documentation | Not available. |
Quality management | |
Quality assurance | After receiving the information quality checks and data validation are made. By identifying errors, the necessary corrections are made with the cooperation of "Road Infrastructure" Agency. |
Quality assessment | Not applicable. |
Relevance | |
User needs | Main users are state and international institutions. |
User satisfaction | No information. |
Completeness | All roads part from NRN are covered. |
Accuracy and reliability | |
Overall accuracy | The survey is exhaustive and is conducted by "Road Infrastructure" Agency. |
Sampling error | Not applicable. |
Non-sampling error | Not applicable. |
Timeliness and punctuality | |
Timeliness | Data are annual and are published 6 months after the reference period. |
Punctuality | Data are published according to the deadlines set in the Release calendar of NSI. |
Coherence and comparability | |
Comparability - geographical | Comparable at European level. |
Comparability - over time | Data are from 1995 without any breaks in the time series.Since 2002 IV category roads have been excluded from the National Road Network and have been included in municipality roads network. |
Coherence - cross domain | Not applicable. |
Coherence - internal | Not applicable. |
Cost and burden | |
Cost and Burden are defined by "Road Infrastructure" Agency. | |
Data revision | |
Data revision - policy | According to the rules for data publishing revision of data can be made when it is necessary. |
Data revision - practice | See 19.1. |
Statistical processing | |
Source data | Source of data is "Road Infrastructure" Agency. |
Frequency of data collection | Annual |
Data collection | The survey is exhaustive. |
Data validation | Not applicable. |
Data compilation | The primary data checks are made by "Road Infrastructure" Agency. Additional treatment of the information is necessary for publication purposes. |
Adjustment | Not applicable. |
Comment |
- National road network by road category
- National road network by type of pavement
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Annual reports on their activity for 2023 were submitted at the National Statistical Institute (NSI) by 461 819 non-financial enterprises, which was 2.7% more compared to 2022. The number of persons employed in full-time equivalent in the non-financial enterprises was 2 217 960 or 1.4% more than the previous year. The non-financial enterprises generated 288 962 million BGN of the value of output at current prices and reported a positive financial result of 35 809 million BGN (the data are preliminary).
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Activity of Non Financial Enterprises for 2021 (preliminary data)
412 119 were the non-financial enterprises in Bulgaria that submitted an annual report on their activity for 2021 at the National Statistical Institute (NSI), which was only 0.1% more compared to 2020. Their number of persons employed calculated in full-time equivalent (FTE) was 2 129 746 or by 1.8% more than the previous year (the data are preliminary).
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Activity of Non Financial Enterprises for 2020 (preliminary data)
According to preliminary data annual reports on their activity for 2020 were submitted at the National Statistical Institute by 410 785 non-financial enterprises and the number of persons, employed in them, was 2 092 062. These enterprises generated 189 813 million BGN of production value and reported a positive financial result of 19 499 million BGN.
...Activity of Non Financial Enterprises for 2019 (preliminary data)
According to preliminary data annual reports on their activity for 2019 were submitted at the National Statistical Institute by 418 616 non-financial enterprises and the number of persons, employed in them, was 2 211 342. These enterprises generated 194 504 million BGN of production value and reported a positive financial result of 19 259 million BGN.
...Activity of Non Financial Enterprises for 2018 (preliminary data)
According to preliminary data annual reports on their activity for 2018 were submitted at the National Statistical Institute by 413 162 non-financial enterprises and the number of persons, employed in them, was 2 207 549. These enterprises generated 180 626 million BGN of production value and reported a positive financial result of 17 035 million BGN.
...Activity of Non Financial Enterprises for 2017 (preliminary data)
According to preliminary data annual reports on their activity for 2017 were submitted at the National Statistical Institute by 405 933 non-financial enterprises and the number of persons, employed in them, was 2 235 217. These enterprises generated 168 050 million BGN of production value and reported a positive financial result of 16 729 million BGN.