Statistical data
- Business statistics
- Demographic and social statistics
- Key Indicators
- Macroeconomic statistics
- Employment and Hours worked - by Regions
- Employment and Hours worked - total of the economy
- Financial national accounts
- Government Finance Statistics
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Gross National Income (GNI)
- Housing price statistics
- Inflation and Consumer Price Indices
- National accounts - quality reports for the ESA 2010 Data Transmission Programme
- Non-financial national accounts by institutional sectors
- Pension entitlements in social insurance
- Purchasing Power Parities (PPPs) - European and International Comparisons Programme
- Supply Use Tables
- Environment and Energy
- Regional statistics and indicators for monitoring
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Tax statistics
Business Conjuncture, December 2009
In December 2009 the total business climate indicator decreases by 2.3 percentage points in comparison with the previous month mostly due to the business climate worsening in industry and services. Such a development was also observed in December 2008.
Trips of Bulgarian residents in abroad and arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria, November 2009
In November 2009, the number of the trips of Bulgarian residents in abroad was 295.7 thousand, which was 21.8% less than the number of the trips in November 2008. In November 2009, the number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 338.7 thousand or 8.9% less than the number of trips in the same month of 2008.
Railway Transport, November 2009
The goods carried by the railway transport in November 2009 are by 11.3 % less than in the previous month, while as to the same month of 2008 there is a decrease by 28.6 %. In the passenger traffic, the total number of passengers carried decreases by 8.6% compared to the previous month and in comparison with November 2008 - by 7.1%.
Quarterly Labour Cost Index, Third Quarter 2009
Preliminary data for third quarter of 2009 indicated that total hourly labour cost rose by 11.0% compared to the third quarter of 2008.
Survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals aged between 16 and 74
ICT penetration in the households has been increased vastly in the last few years and the survey results confirm the fact that the internet services become popular and preferable by more and more households in the country.
Information and communication technologies usage and eCommerce in enterprises 2009
Data on ICT usage in enterprises survey show the widely use of Internet by the business. The growth rate observed for the period 2004 - 2009 is 22.1 percentage points and in 2009 reaches 83.9%. Broadband penetration is increasing faster during the last 6 years (41.2%) and 69.6% of the enterprises have broadband connection to the Internet during 2009.
Environmental Statistics - Annual data for 2008
The National Statistical institute has the pleasure to present to the attention of its users results from the annual surveys in the field of environmental statistics for 2008.
Construction Production Indices in October 2009
In October 2009, the total production in construction decreased by 25.7% compared to the same month of the previous year. A decline of 30.6% was registered in the production of the building construction, while in the civil engineering production it was 15.3% compared to October 2008.
Industrial Production and Industrial Turnover Indexes, October 2009
The preliminary data showed that the Industrial Production Index decreased by 16.1% in October 2009 as compared to October 2008. As compared to the previous month, the Industrial Production Index increased by 5.5%.