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Statistical data


Production and Deliveries of Energy Products, October 2019

Monday, 30 December 2019 - 11:00

In October 2019 compared to September 2019 an increase is reported for the production of solid fuels - by 13.0%, unleaded motor gasoline - by 3.3%, transport diesel - by 10.1% and electricity - by 2.9%. No change for the production of liquefied petroleum gases and natural gas.

In October 2019 compared to September 2019 an increase is reported for the deliveries of solid fuels - by 14.2%, liquefied petroleum gases - by 2.6%, natural gas - by 14.4% and electricity - by 6.0%. A decrease is reported for the deliveries of unleaded motor gasoline - by 23.4%. No change for the deliveries of transport diesel.

Statistical domain

Trips of Bulgarian Residents Abroad and Arrivals of Visitors from Abroad to Bulgaria in November 2019

Monday, 30 December 2019 - 11:00

In November 2019, the number of the trips of Bulgarian residents abroad was 438.3 thousand or by 2.8% above the registered in November 2018. The trips with other purposes (as a guest, education and visit the cultural and sport events) in November 2019 composed the greatest share of the total number of trips of Bulgarian residents abroad - 45.0%, followed by those with professional purpose - 28.2%, and with holiday and recreation purposes - 26.8%.

In November 2019, the number of arrivals of visitors from abroad to Bulgaria was 609.7 thousand or by 6.0% more in comparison with November 2018. In November 2019, the predominant share of the visits with other purposes was 47.3%, followed by trips with holiday and recreation purpose - 32.9%, and with professional purpose - 19.8%.

Statistical domain

Producer Price Indices in Industry, November 2019

Monday, 30 December 2019 - 11:00

Total Producer Price Index in November 2019 increased by 0.2% compared to the previous month; compared to the same month of 2018 the prices rose by 2.8%. Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in November 2019 rose by 0.3% compared to the previous month; compared to the same month of 2018 the domestic prices grew by 4.0%. 

Environmental Statistics - Annual data for 2018

Friday, 20 December 2019 - 11:00

In 2018 the total use of freshwater and non-freshwater in the country is 4 647 million m3 which decreased with 1.8% compared to 2017. The daily average household water consumption from public water supply remains on the same level compared to 2017 - 99 litres per capita.

In 2018 the total value of tangible fixed assets with ecological use in the country amounted to 9 523.6 million BGN which compared to 2017 increased by 0.6%.

Statistical domain

Bulgarian Trade with EU in the Period January - September 2019 (preliminary data)

Wednesday, 11 December 2019 - 11:00

In the period January - September 2019 the Bulgarian exports to the EU grew by 3.3 % compared to the same period of 2018 and amounted to 29 049.1 Million BGN while the imports from the EU increased by 2.2% and reached 30 209.7 Million BGN.

In September 2019 the exports to the EU increased insignificantly compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and amounted to 3 233.8 Million BGN while the imports grew by 0.3% and added up to 3 243.7 Million BGN.

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