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Grant Agreement ‘ESS.VIP ESBRs 2015 Individual grants - Implementation of interoperable business registers’

Published at: 12.01.2016 - 10:05
The National Statistics Institute has started the project ‘ESS.VIP ESBRs 2015 Individual grants - Implementation of interoperable business registers’, according to the European Commission grant agreement No. 11172.2015.002-2015.505.

Eurostat and the European Statistical System (ESS) partners are working on the development of the national statistical business registers under the scope of the ESS VIP project European System of Interoperable Business Registers (ESBRs).

The ‘ESS.VIP ESBRs 2015 Individual grants - Implementation of interoperable business registers’ project is targeting to quality improvement of the EuroGroups Register (EGR). In the framework of the project NSI of Bulgaria will implement the following activities:

- Profiling the multinational enterprise groups;

- Measuring the quality of input and output EGR data.

The project duration is 12 months and will be completed in December 2016.