The National Statistical Institute has started work under the ‘SILC survey - Statistical infrastructure under IESS - BG 2021 module’ project since October 2020. The implementation of the project is in accordance with Grant Agreement with the European Commission № 101015905 - 2020-BG-SILC.
The aim of the project is to implement the new requirements under IESS regulation - to implement 3- and 6-year rolling module as well as the children 3-year rolling module. Implementation of the SIL2021 ad-hoc subject module on living arrangements and conditions of children including tests, changes and improvement of weighting methods as well as compliance with the new flags, technical implementation of changes of data processing also will be addressed. In order to fulfil the main objectives of the action the following activities are foreseen:
- To organize and coordinate SILC survey with focus on technical characteristics; explanatory notes for the variables of the 3- and 6-yearly modules, including the children 3-year module in 2021 and 2021 ad-hoc module.
- To prepare a model questionnaire, interviewers’ instructions and training the staff involved in the project. Updating of the IT application for data entry, processing and editing.
- Conducting the fieldwork and data collection, incl. continuous monitoring.
- Improvement of the data processing, incl. implementation of new flags and increased efficiency of microdata processing and transmission to Eurostat according to the methodological guidelines.
- Develop and test a new calibration variable to improve weights.
The expected project achievements include the collection of qualitative data for production of official statistics on SILC under IESS regulation. The implementation of the new requirements of the IESS regulation is a challenge for the NSI. The requirements for improving the timeliness, together with the inclusion of 3- and 6-year modules and the technical specifics require changes in the process of conducting the SILC survey. The implementation of the project activities will provide an opportunity to improve the data processing, fulfil the technical requirements for the variables, and provide quality data from the survey
The duration of the project is 18 months and will end in March 2022.