The project, funded by the EC, has a duration of 26 months and it is a continuation of the project ESSnet - Big Data I.
In the implementation of the tasks, the National Statistical Institute will work jointly with other 27 statistical offices within the European Statistical System. The incorporation of Big Data sources and methods is a modern and innovative approach to meet the user’s ever-increasing statistical needs. The project is focused on developing methodology for the use of Big Data in the statistical practice and evaluation of the quality of collected data; identification, definition and implementation of IT infrastructure for processing and storage of Big Data.
The project is divided into several work packages and NSI is an active partner in the following packages: WPB Online Job Vacancies; WPC Enterprise Characteristics; WPF Process and Architecture; WPG Financial Transactions Data; WPJ Innovative Tourism Statistics and WPL Preparing Smart Statistics.
To ensure the successful implementation, experts from the General Methodology and Analysis of Statistical Surveys Department, Information systems and Infrastructure Directorate, Business Statistics Directorate, Demographic and Social Statistics Directorate, and General Administation Directorate, RSO-Sever and RSO-Severoiztok of the BNSI will participate in the project.