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Statistical data


Labour Force Survey 2010, Main Results

Wednesday, 16 March 2011 - 11:00

In 2010 the employment rate (15 - 64) was 59.7%, by 2.9 percentage points lower in comparison with 2009.
Over the same period the unemployment rate increased by 3.4 percentage points to 10.2%.

Press release

Inflation and Consumer Price Indices in February 2011

Monday, 14 March 2011 - 11:00

The consumer price index (CPI) in February 2011 compared to January 2011 was 101.2%, i.e. the monthly inflation was 1.2%.
The harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) in February 2011 compared to January 2011 was 100.6%, i.e. the monthly inflation was 0.6%.

According to the final data of the NSI, the consumer price index in January 2011 compared to December 2010 was 100.6%, i.e. the monthly inflation was 0.6%.
According to the final data of the NSI, the harmonized index of consumer prices in January 2011 compared to December 2010 was 100.5%, i.e. the monthly inflation was 0.5%.

Press release

Bulgarian Trade with Third Countries in January 2011 (preliminary data)

Monday, 14 March 2011 - 11:00

In January 2011 the Bulgarian exports to third countries increased by 74.1% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and amounted to 1.3 billion levs while the imports increased by 37.0% and reached to 1.4 billion levs
In January 2011 the total value of the exported goods was over 3.1 billion levs and compared to the corresponding month of 2010 the exports increased by 72.6% while the total value of the imported goods was almost 3.1 billion levs and increased by 35. 9%.

Gross Domestic Product for the Fourth Quarter of 2010

Friday, 11 March 2011 - 11:00

In the fourth quarter of 2010 GDP at current prices amounts to 19 962 million levs. In Euro terms GDP reaches to 10 206.5 million euro or 1 359.4 euro per person. According to the seasonally adjusted data, the GDP growth rate in the fourth quarter of 2010 is 2.1% compared with the third quarter of the year and 2.8% compared with the same quarter of the previous year.
In 2010, GDP amounted to 70 474.3 million levs at current prices. GDP in Euro amounted to 36 033 million or 4 786.8 euro per person.

Press release

Bulgarian Trade with EU in 2010 (preliminary data)

Friday, 11 March 2011 - 11:00

In 2010 the Bulgarian exports to the EU increased by 25% compared to the previous year and amounted to 18.6 billion levs while the imports increased by 11.2% and amounted to 22.0 billion levs.
In December 2010 the exports to the EU increased by 33.7% compared to the corresponding month of the previous year and reached to 1.5 billion levs while the imports increased by 19.4% and amounted to 2.1 billion levs.

Industrial Production Indices in January 2011

Monday, 7 March 2011 - 11:00

The preliminary data showed that the Industrial Production Index, seasonally adjusted increased by 3.2% in January 2011 as compared to December 2010. The working day adjusted Industrial Production Index rose by 9.3% as compared to the same month of 2010.

Press release

Business Conjuncture, February 2011

Monday, 28 February 2011 - 11:00

In February 2011 the total business climate indicator increases by 2.7 percentage points in comparison with the previous month and it is pulling away from its lowest value registered over the last 2 years by 9.3 percentage points, but there are still 8.3 percentage points left for it to reach its long-term average value.

Press release

Households Income, Expenditure and Consumption during the Fourth Quarter of 2010

Monday, 28 February 2011 - 11:00

The average quarterly total income average per household member during the fourth quarter of 2010 is 924 Levs or by 3.7% less compared to the same quarter of 2009. The main part of this income (82.6%) is received from wages and salaries and pensions. The tendency of increase in pensions persists in similar terms as noted in comparative analyses from past periods. A nominal decrease in wages is registered. Wages and salaries continue to be the main source of household income.

Press release

Producer Price Indices in Industry, January 2011

Monday, 28 February 2011 - 11:00

Producer Price Index on Domestic Market in January 2011 rose by 0.5% comparing to the previous month, while compared to the same month of 2010 the domestic prices grew by 11.1%. Total Producer Price Index in Industry increased by 1.7% compared to the previous month, compared to the same month of 2010 the prices rose by 12.1%.

Press release