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The Memorandum of Cooperation between the NSI and UNICEF was renewed

Published at: 05.04.2023 - 12:40

The National Statistical Institute (NSI) and UNICEF updated the Memorandum of Cooperation between the two institutions with the duration of the Country Programme 2023 - 2027 between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and UNICEF. The document was signed by the President of the National Statistical Institute, Assoc. Prof. Atanas Atanasov, PhD, and the representative of UNICEF Bulgaria, Christina de Bruin.

The meeting was attended by Antoaneta Ilkova, Director of the Multi-Domain Statistics, Methodology and Cooperation Directorate, and Magdalena Kostova, Director of the Demographic and Social Statistics Directorate at the NSI, as well as Elena Atanasova, Programme Director for Child Rights Monitoring at UNICEF.

‘The production of statistical information is a two-way process in which partnership with respondents is of paramount importance. And partnership with an institution like UNICEF will help a lot to improve the quality of data’, noted Assoc. Prof. Atanasov during the conversation. He added that in its work, the NSI follows the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice to ensure the reliability of the statistical product.

Ms. De Bruin expressed her satisfaction with the cooperation between the NSI and UNICEF so far and expressed her confidence in good cooperation in the future for the sake of the children of Bulgaria.

The Memorandum regulates the areas of the long-standing partnership between the two institutions, and the aim is to improve coordination and interaction aimed at the collection and exchange of data related to the situation of children in the Republic of Bulgaria in areas such as health, education, protection, justice, access to social services and others.